Juliet Huddy: I’ll Be Back

September 2, 2013

“Juggling many professional and personal commitments.” Today, Good Day NY anchor Juliet Huddy announced that she will be back on the O’Reilly Factor this Wednesday–after two unexplained absences from her weekly segment on the show, “Did You See That?.” In answer to a query from the author whether she were still an O’Reilly Factor correspondent (and a <em>Carpe Diem article by the author in that regard), a seemingly irked Juliet answered, “Didnt [sic] realize I had to send press releases out when off!!” More to the point, she continued, “I’ll be back Wed. Juggling many professional and personal commitments.” (Later, she kindly added, “Always happy to update!”)

Good luck on the juggling, Juliet! And, welcome back Wednesday!

Cuomo Tweaks “Really Dumb” Carlson Twerk?

August 31, 2013

Flexin’ Fetchin’ Gretchen: “This [twerk] seems more like a hula!” Yesterday, CNN’s New Day co-anchor Chris Cuomo appeared ready for bear as he took aim at his FNC Fox & Friends rival Gretchen Carlson seemingly Friday. On the very day after the Huffington Post mocked Gretchen for her twerking a la Miley Cyrus on air Thursday, Chris seemed strangely eager to get in a sharp jab at Gretchen.

When a ND story on the birth of panda twins in Atlanta began to wrap Friday, Chris stammered, “I don’t believe, I think it’s really dumb when you see these newscasters trying to twerk.”* Pointing his finger at his audience for added emphasis, he continued, “But, I do believe it is not done very cute and we should try best panda sound.” Smiling dismissively, his co-host Kate Bolduan riposted, “I can not believe [that] you made a twerk/panda reference!” Paying her little mind at most, Chris answered, “Of course, when you see them trying that, you’re like, ‘why are they doing that?'”

Perhaps, Chris, Gretchen is twerking toward that full twelve years for F&F as “king of the hill.” Who knows? If Kate follows suit, she might well give ND, at least, a fighting chance against FNC’s inimical juggernaut.

[Author’s aside: Gretchen’s quote in the subtitle was the remark that she made after briefly trying to twerk, supra.**]

*New Day – 08/30/13 (@ 7:46 a.m. ET)

**Fox & Friends – 08/29/13 (@ 7:48 a.m. ET)

Pereira: Berman, “Are You Coming Back?”

August 30, 2013

John: “At this point, I’m not so sure.” Today, Early Start anchors John Berman and Zoraida Sambolin were absent yet again with no explanation to their viewers. In fact, co-anchors, Michaela Pereira and Poppy Harlow welcomed their audience to the show and introduced themselves as if they were the regular co-hosts. Perhaps, the only reassuring note to Zoraida and John’s fans was the very brief introductory chyron, “earlystart with JOHN BERMAN & ZORAIDA SAMBOLIN.”

Furthermore, if Early Start viewers had tuned in to New Day Wednesday, they may have wondered all the more if John and Zoraida were gone for good. In the penultimate segment of New Day, John gave his quirky diurnal “Award of the Day” from D.C.: As he concluded, ND news anchor Michael Pereira asked, “Are you coming back to us some nice time soon?” Grinning, he answered, “At this point, I’m not so sure.”

Have no fear, John and Zoraida votaries: If their Tweets are true, they are absent with leave. On Monday, John wrote, “Hey! Hello Morning People! I’m in DC this week filling-in on @TheLeadCNN (and watching @Early StartCNN & New Day on TV).” On the preceding Friday, Zoraida announced, “Headed into surgery with Dr. Kim Plastic and RJ the sleep doctor #breast cancer #anesthesia #dynamicduo.” (Saturday, she added, “This final surgery was a [sic] uneventful and I am feeling great.”)

Perhaps, it is no big deal to CNN suits who anchors Early Start. But, they may want to consider that John and Zoraida are the very first ones who welcome their audience to the CNN day. And, faithful viewers tend to prefer to be awakened at dawn by a friend, not a stranger.

Five’s Beckel: Hey, Gum This, Andrea Tantaros!

August 28, 2013

Kimberly Guilfoyle: “Bob…do you know what you just said!” Today, The Five unfiltered co-host Bob Beckel took his hyper-sexual schtick to a whole new level–at the expense of his co-anchor Andrea Tantaros. When the Greek beauty tried to conclude her segment timely this afternoon (on the “Red Line in Syria”) and tease the next block, Bob babbled on: Seemingly irritated at his puerile solipsism, Andrea chided, “Bob, as my tenth grade biology teacher used to say, ‘Give the gums a rest!'”* Unrepentant, Bob bawdily riposted, “Hey, gum this!”

As a smiling Andrea tried to gamely soldier on in her segue, her aghast off-camera co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle exclaimed, “Terrible! Terrible!” Aptly, pricking the priapic Philistine further, she added, “Bob, I mean, do you know what you just said!”

The Five‘s bad boy? Nah, he probably had no clue. Yeah, right!

*The Five – 08/28/13 (@ 5:45 p.m. ET)

Bikini Babe Anna? “Ha Dream On! No Way!”

August 24, 2013

Visions of Anna come true: Yes way! Sexy Fox News correspondent Anna Kooiman got clingy wet Friday as she previewed the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series in Boston. For fans who wanted to see their favorite bathing beauty in action, Anna Tweeted twice Thursday and thrice Friday that she herself would be “in the drink” in her cliff diving segment. And, she delivered–in a hot purple tank top and skin-tight black shorts. [“>Vid via J$P.] At least, she thought that she did.

But, one fan was less than impressed with Anna’s 30-foot plunge into the Boston harbor (or her preceding interview of an elite American about the contest in which competitors strut their stuff from a higher platform of 90-feet). Disappointed, he testily Tweeted, “C’mon Anna we all tuned in to see you in a bikini! What the heck?” In riposte, she jibed, “Ha Dream on! No way!”

Happily, for such Anna acolytes, their beloved beauty has not always had such qualms. In her pre-FNC days, she proudly posed in her itty bitty bikini with an apparent beau. Furthermore, in seemingly the same time period, the saucy siren unabashedly rocked another skimpy bikini for the appreciative eyes of, perhaps, that same lucky sailor. [Pic 1, pic 2].

Bikini babe Anna? Dream on! Her fans get the last laugh.

Huddy: “On Oreilly every Wednesday.” Not!

August 21, 2013

[Updated, infra.] “Did You See That?” Fox & Friends First co-host Heather Nauert took Juliet Huddy‘s signature segment tonight on the O’Reilly Factor with nary a word of explanation from Bill (nor even a Tweet peep from Juliet).* In fact, when Bill introduced Heather to the absent Juliet’s “Did You See That?” audience (on CDC excessive alcohol use data), he simply said, “And, here now to explain further, Fox News correspondent Heather Nauert.” When Heather had finished opining and bantering with Bill, Bill presented the blond beauty further to his audience as a Fox & Friends First co-host on at 5:00 a.m.–the show that followed his own in its final airing of the night: But, no mention of Juliet.

Simply an oversight by “William” of his faithful friend? Perhaps. However, only yesterday, Juliet had confidently proclaimed, “On Oreilly [sic] every Wednesday” (when a Twitter follower had asked, “Where have you been…no more Oreilly or curvy couch?”). This Wednesday, she was nowhere to be found on O’Reilly: But, she was assuredly on Twitter, Tweeting thirteen missives–not a single one about her absence tonight.

O’Reilly Factor: Huddy out, Heather in? Stay tuned.

O’Reilly Factor – 08/21/13 (@ 8:49 p.m. ET)

Update: For the second week in a row (08/28/13), Huddy was still M.I.A.: America’s Newsroom co-anchor Martha MacCallum served instead as O’Reilly’s correspondent on “Did You See That?” Once again, Bill made no mention of Juliet on his show nor did Juliet provide any explanation via her Twitter chatter. O’Reilly Factor – 08/28/13 (11:49 p.m. ET).

Oops! F&F’s All-American Summer “Scat” Series?

August 19, 2013

Unedited “Rough and Ready” (“a**hole”): Bob Beckel bumper music? Today, Fox & Friends seemingly turned their song selection over again to The Five‘s filter-intolerant co-host (the big bumptious one who seems to continuously soil FNC’s afternoon airwaves with scatalogical expletives). Last month (July 10)F&F producers carelessly closed a baseball segment to the tune of “Boys Round Here” as Blake Shelton sang “Backwoods legit, don’t take no sh*t.” Today, they one upped–or one downed–themselves: They teased an upcoming “Shot of the Day” segment to “Rough and Ready” as Trace Adkins raucously belted out, “Got a what are you looking at? A**hole smirk.”*

Strangely, no apologies were offered when F&F resumed after the commercial break. Oops: Another F&F Bob-ble!

[Author’s aside: According to HuffPo, J$P caught Bob‘s third “‘s’ word in recent memory” last Wednesday: If the author heard him correctly, Bob said it for a fourth time last Friday after hurting his hand at the close of his The Five segment (08/16/13 – @ 5:52 p.m. ET).]

*F&F – 08/19/13 (@ 8:27 a.m. ET)

Comely Kiran Crowns New Miss Nepal US [Pic]

August 18, 2013

Chetry comes back for an encore. Former CNN/FNC anchor Kiran Chetry returned to the limelight last night to crown the 2013 Miss Nepal US at the Queens Theater in New York City. Before doing so, Kiran excitedly alerted her fans, Tweeting, “I’m judging tonight’s amazing #missnepalus pageant! Joining Miss Nepal 2002 Malvika Subba, Kiran scored sixteen sexy, talented contestants (video) and awarded the title to the beautiful Bartika Rai of New York. After doing so, Kiran a/k/a Ms. Nepal US emerita, personally placed the coveted tiara on Miss Rai.

For her fans who have missed her since her days as CNN’s “Chetrylicious” American Morning anchor, Kiran proved that she still has the look–and the legs. As she installed the lovely 2013 Miss Nepal US, the sexy Nepalese American journalist herself wowed the crowd in her short, strapless “little black dress.” [Pic]

Hurry back, Kiran!

[Author’s aside: The subtitle, supra, refers to Kiran’s role as a 2011 Miss Nepal US[A] judge.]

Prime-Time Megyn: “Hannity & Kelly”?

August 12, 2013

Roger Ailes’ “Minor Change”? In an exclusive Thursday, the Drudge Report reported that Fox News was “set to make its first primetime schedule change in 10 years” and that “superstar newswoman Megyn Kelly [had] landed the 9 PM slot” according to its top sources. When asked about that “rumor” by Fox News’s Neil Cavuto, FNC chief Roger Ailes responded, “Well, generally, I don’t confirm or deny any rumors….However, Megyn has earned a better time period: She’ll be in our prime-time lineup. But, I must quickly say that all of our stars will be back: We have new deals with (Sean) Hannity and Greta (Van Susteren) and Shep(ard Smith).” Noticing Ailes’ obvious omission, Cavuto quizzically commented, “So, it sounds to me like (Bill) O’Reilly‘s gone: Mischievously, Ailes answered, “Yep, he’s finished, that’s it! No, I’m just kidding.”*

According to New York Times columnist Bill Carter, the prevailing speculation is that Megyn will get her own hour and Sean Hannity will move to the 7:00 p.m. slot (replacing Fox Report with Shepard Smith) and Shep will move to an afternoon hour. However, in his Cavuto interview, Ailes himself cryptically remarked, “We have a great roster of talent: I am making a few minor changes….You have to choose well in the first place and have the guts to stay with people who can do the job. And, that’s what I try to do.”** Furthermore, he reportedly explained, “One of my jobs is to get the best audience flow between shows and that’s one of the reason[s] I’m making a few changes right now.”***

And, that very audience of Ailes in both prime-time and full-day ratings “has had a median age of 65-plus (according to the aforementioned NYT author). If the anecdotal observation that older people tend to be resistant to change is true, Ailes would do well to only “[make] a few minor changes” as he seeks to facilitate the “best audience flow” of his hyper-loyal older viewers (and tries  to attract a younger demographic at the same time). Creating three new shows for Megyn, Hannity, and Shep, as the NYT suggested, seems more than a few major changes–especially, when Gretchen Carlson’s new fall show and, an imminent iteration of Fox & Friends (with new co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck) are added into the mix.

“Hannity and Kelly”? Don’t count it out.

*Therightscoop.com (video and text) – 08/08/13.


***Therightscoop.com (video) – 08/08/3 (@ 02:12/04:13).

[Author’s aside: If Megyn does indeed join Hannity, Ailes real primetime schedule (8-11 p.m.), the hosts will represent true-blue gender equality surpassing rivals CNN and MSNBC.]

Zoraida Returns: ES Star Sparkles

August 11, 2013

Sambolin: “Yay! I’m so happy to be back!” Early Start co-host Zoraida Sambolin returned Monday “healthy and very happy” to her relieved fans after a double mastectomy due to her recently-diagnosed breast cancer after a six-week medical leave. Trying to suppressing a huge smile as the show started, Zoraida declared, “Good morning and welcome to Early Start!” Looking over at her co-anchor John Berman, she began to heartily clap, exclaiming, “Yay! I’m so happy to be back! Folks, thank you so much!”

Beaming, John replied, “Yes, you are! So nice to have you back.” Self-deprecatingly, he added, “I’m the other guy!”

Chuckling appreciatively, Zoraida replied, “Yeah!”

Yeah. The earnest, sweet, and, sexy Zoraida is still assuredly the best way to awaken the CNN dawn. Nevertheless, John, an easy-listening wisecracker has definitely made ES a much more welcome wake-up call since he replaced Zoraida’s first co-host Ashleigh Banfield, a chatty, cacophonous alarm without a ready snooze button.

Welcome back, Zoraida! You were missed!

Gretchen Flashes: Her “Persecuted” Lines

August 5, 2013

Carlson: “This is called the ‘call sheet’: And, you…have to have x-ray vision to read it.” Oops! Inadvertently or not, Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson revealed two pages of her dialogue in the upcoming movie Persecuted this morning on her show.* In her first F&F segment entitled “Gretchen’s Movie Debut,” the news diva touted her upcoming anchor role in the “Christian-based thriller.”

Before reading one of her Persecuted lines, Gretchen held up her papers, saying, “This is what they give you: This is called the ‘call sheet,’ and you…have…x-ray vision to read it.” Flipping through two pages for the camera’s eye, she added, “Here’s all the lines that I, this was my scene.”

No x-ray vision needed! Happily, even though the author is assuredly no Superman, he was able to capture the text of the two pages of Gretchen’s “call sheet” for the Carpe Diem reader. Her dialogue with star James Remar (John, the “persecuted” evangelist) is as follows:



…But there are some who claim that your ministry is intolerant — even condescending towards other faiths –some in Washington have said your crusades may even threaten the freedom of others. . .

John a long pause, looking away toward camera, methodically. Tone shift.

JOHN: Diana, if I thought for a second I could look down on anyone else or their beliefs, I wouldn’t be sitting here. Do you have any idea who I was before I became what I am today?


JOHN: I’m not a Republican or a Democrat. I don’t belong to any particular denomination, and I have no better personal history than your viewers.(leaning in) Did you know that I have a criminal record?

DIANA LUCAS: Can’t say that I did although it is public record isn’t it?

JOHN: You see our media has a way of elevating those in the spotlight to some kind of superhuman fantasy of what they’d like to see or become. You know what kinda person I was? Who I really was?



DIANA LUCAS: (cutting in) –And I quote, “To publicly declare your religious beliefs is a way that permits equal time and respect to other systems of faith?”

With his voice striking the perfect, sober note, like he takes no pleasure whatsoever in making this statement. Tragic. Unfortunate.

JOHN: Freedom is fragile and costly. It must constantly be protected and defended by work and faith. (pause) And, even by blood.

DIANA LUCAS: If it comes down to it, will you fall on your sword over this?

JOHN: What I’m saying is, if you take away a man’s freedom to speak his mind in a country founded on that very principle, then we have no country at all. You see, there’s no sword left to fall on. . .

*Fox & Friends – 08/05/13 (@ 6:33 a.m. ET)

Giddy Gretchen: “Persecuted” Indeed!

August 5, 2013

Carlson: “I can’t tell you how difficult it was.” Today, Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson reveled in her new-found status as “movie star” (as her co-host Steve Doocy charitably deemed her).* Revealing her anchor role in the movie Persecuted, a “Christian based-thriller,” during a segment entitled “Gretchen’s Movie Debut,” the ever modest Gretchen declared, “Some people would be intimidated to come on our set and ad lib for three hours and do a bunch of interviews and have to talk about a lot of political stuff and keep it all in your head: But, when you have to memorize scripts, I can’t, I can’t tell you how difficult it was.”**

Subsequently, Gretchen disclosed that she would play the role of anchor Diana Lucas in Persecuted. After reading one of her cine lines thereafter (at Steve’s request), she announced that Persecuted would premiere in New York in January, hopefully, and it would also premier in Los Angeles and Albuquerque.

In the final hour of F&F, Gretchen got a second “Gretchen’s Movie Debut” puff piece.* As it concluded, Steve jested, “Fantastic! Well, another line for your resume: Movie star!” Arching her head cockily, Gretchen concurred, “Yeah!”

*Fox & Friends – 08/05/13 (@ 8:32 a.m. ET). [Vid via J$P.]

**Ibid at @ 6:31 a.m. ET.

[Author’s aside: Carpe Diem readers should not be surprised by Gretchen’s announcement today: the author deduced that she would probably “star” in Persecuted eleven days ago.

Mommy Megyn: Baby Thatcher ‘Totally Awesome’

July 26, 2013

Kelly’s blue-eyed baby boy arrives! Today, America Live anchor Megyn Kelly‘s stand-in Shannon Bream joyfully announced the birth of the third child of Megyn and her hubby Doug Brunt as the show concluded.* When the final America Live segment opened with a photo of Megyn and Doug’s sleeping, swaddled newborn, Shannon proclaimed, “Here is the picture! Say hello to Thatcher Bray Brunt….[He] was born at…eight pounds two ounces. He has brown hair [and] blue eyes. He is gorgeous!” And, if there were any doubt, Shannon added, “Mom said the best description of him–and this is the quote–‘Totally awesome!'”

As Shannon segued to Studio B host Shepard Smith, Shep exclaimed, “And, everyone in Studio B: this is the best news of the day! How is she?” In answer, Shannon declared, “[Megyn] is doing great. We’re told she is doing fabulous. Everyone is well.”

The “Iron Baby” joins his three-year-old big brother Edward Yates and their two-year-old sis Yardley Evans in the burgeoning Kelly/ Brunt brood.

Congratulations, Megyn and Doug!

* Vid via J$P.

Gretchen Carlson: “Persecuted”?

July 25, 2013

Religion, politics, and scandal: fact or fiction? No, Persecuted is not a biopic of the Fox & Friends co-host oft lampooned by Saturday Night Live or facilely skewered by Jon Stewart. But, it might just be the name of the major film that she said that she would be filming within the next ten days today in the After the Show Show. [Vid via J$P.]

As A.S.S. started this morning, F&F co-hosts Steve Doocy, Gretchen Carlson, and Brian Kilmeade and FNC meteorologist Marina Molina sat together on the curvy couch. As usual, Brian Kilmeade left almost immediately to go to his Kilmeade & Friends radio show. Shortly, thereafter, Gretchen started to arise, saying, “I’m going off to shoot a movie, actually: So, I’ll see you in about ten days.”

Seemingly, on cue, Steve asked, “In a movie? What kind of movie?” Gleefully, Gretchen answered, “Yeah. A major motion picture.”

As Gretchen walked off the set, Steve queried, “What are you gonna do?” Coyly, Gretchen replied, “It’s a secret!” Following up, Steve asked, “Are you gonna be like the local newsperson or an anchorperson?” Gretchen responded, “Something like that.”

Probing, Steve demanded, “Where are they filming the movie?” Gretchen insisted, “It’s a secret!” “Albuquerque, New Mexico?” Steve persisted.

As Gretchen ignored Steve’s question, Maria queried, “What made you pick that location?” Putting his hand to his forehead suggestively, Steve said, “A voice in my head!” Apparently, to their F&F producers, Maria laughed, “Oh, you told him!”

According to a New Mexico Film Office press release, “feature Persecuted” began mid-July and will end in early August in Albuquerque. Gretchen’s probable “major motion picture” is co-produced by Oscar-winning Gray Frederickson (Apocalypse Now and Godfather) and includes actors, James Remar (Django: Unchained, X-Men: First Class, etc.); Bruce Davison (Lost, X-Men, etc.), and Fred Thompson (Die Hard 2 and Law & Order and former U.S Senator of Tennessee). (The plot revolves around an evangelist framed by a Senator for the murder of a young girl and the persecution that inevitably ensues.)

Gretchen Carlson: “Persecuted”? Or, will she, perhaps, “Transcend” it all?

H/t: J$P.

Clayton Morris “Returning Champ”: Not!

July 22, 2013

2012 “New York’s Funniest Reporter” no-shows at the Comic Strip Live Sunday (and fails to congratulate the new 2013 winner, an FNC colleague on F&F the very next day). Last night, FNC’s “Dancing Machine” meteorologist Janice Dean was crowned as 2013 New York’s Funniest Reporter (along with PIX 11 reporter Magee Hickey) at the illustrious comedy club, Comic Strip Live. Strangely missing from the stage was the 2012 winner, Fox & Friends Weekend co-anchor Clayton Morris, who was scheduled to return “for an encore” as “Returning Champ.”

This morning, odder yet, Clayton did not even acknowledge his new successor Janice when he showed up on Fox & Friends for his social media segment with F&F co-host Gretchen Carlson:* Less than fifteen minutes earlier, Gretchen had teased him and his interview as she touted Janice’s big win as “New York’s Funniest Reporter,” noting that Clayton had won the same award last year. (Interestingly, in that promo, Gretchen did not reveal that Clayton had failed to appear as planned at the Comic Strip Live event last night even though she did note FNC Senior Medical News Editor Dr. Manny Avarez‘s absence from his initially scheduled placement in the show.)

However, in the “After the Show Show,” Gretchen “let the cat out of the bag” as she discussed “New York’s Funniest Reporter” contest on the curvy couch with co-host Steve Doocy and FNC meteorologist Maria Molina.** After Gretchen had lauded victor Janice’s performance and Steve mentioned third-place winner Charles Payne, Maria asked about Clayton Morris’s routine.*** When Gretchen stammered, “Clayton didn’t, no, Clayton did not, he won last year but he was not there last night,” Maria seemed suddenly befuddled. Looking uncomfortable, Gretchen lamely answered, “But, he was on our show this morning: Maybe, that’s why.”

Or, maybe, not.

*F&F – 07/22/13 (@ 6:11 a.m. ET)

**After the Show Show (vid via J$P) – 07/22/13

*** Ibid at @ 4:33/05:24.

Janice Dean: NY’s 2013 Comedic Co-Queen

July 22, 2013

FNC’s “Dancing Machine” heats up the Comic Strip Live stage. Last night, Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean was crowned the co-champion of the 2013 “New York’s Funniest Reporter” at the famed Upper East Side comedy club. (She shared the honor with New York PIX 11 reporter Magee Hickey.) Janice beat out five other contestants including FNC biz contributor Charles Payne, who won third place honors. As to Janice’s winning performance, Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson gushed, “It was hilarious”, “It was the Top Ten weather terminology that can sometimes be a little hot that really sealed the deal for her.”*

However, Janice’s FNC fans should not expect to see any video of her sexy routine. This morning, when Fox & Friends co-anchor Brian Kilmeade asked Gretchen if any of Janice’s Comic Strip Live clips would be forthcoming, she replied, “Let me just say this: She did the Top Ten Weather Terms to music that have a certain–um, hm, how should I say this to keep it clean?…It had a lot to do with heat!”** Elaborating, she conceded that Janice’s stand-up comedy would not be appropriate for a family television show but that it was “hilarious.”

Janice Dean: 2013 Comic Co-Queen and FNC’s naughty “Dancing Machine”!

[Author’s aside: Reader, FNC makeup maven Maureen Walsh Tweeted fab photos of Janice during her performance [1] and of her and her FNC friends, including, Maureen,  at the “VICTORY DINNER” [1,2]: Happily, she also RT’d a great pic by Jamie Colby of Janice at the mike after her victory [1].

*After the Show Show (vid via J$P) – 07/22/13 (@3:55/5:24).

**Fox & Friends – 07/22/13 (@ 6:12 a.m. ET)

Dirty Pool? F&FW Keeps Cold, Crying Toddler In!

July 21, 2013

Ainsley Earhardt: “He’s so cute….He’s such a trouper, too! He’s so cold!” Today, Fox & Friends Weekend kept a shivering eighteen-month old toddler Jack Bullivant outside in a frigid pool on the FNC veranda, ironically, for a baby/child safety segment. To make matters worse, it was dirty according to FNC chief meteorologist Rick Reichmuth.

Providing his F&FW producers and its co-hosts ample warning, Rick declared the pool water unclean almost three and half hours earlier. During his bottom-of-the-first-hour weather report outside on the FNC patio near the huge F&FW pool (courtesy of Bass Pro Shops), F&FW co-host Clayton Morris asked whether he was going to jump in: In response, Rick remarked, “Have you looked at the water in that pool? It’s just not that clean! I think that it came from the fire hydrant: And, it’s just not that clean.”*

However, apparently, the show–and the child safety segment–had to go on. When the F&FW penultimate block began, the toddler’s ISR (Infant Service Resource “Self-Rescue”) instructor Ashleigh Bullivant, his mother, dropped little Jack into the water to let him swim to her.** Then, as Clayton began to interview her, the small boy began to quiver and to cry (as someone off-camera observed, “It’s a little cold. It’s cold!”). After subsequent queries by co-anchor Tucker Carlson and Clayton that protracted the little fellow’s discomfort and discomfit, a seemingly oblivious guest co-anchor Ainsley Earhardt asked, “Ashleigh, will you show us? We want to see him do this. Thank you!”

When Bullivant backed further into the pool and lowered her child again into the un-warmed water to demonstrate his self-rescue skills, Ainsley said, “He’s so cute….He’s such a trouper, too! He’s so cold! The water’s cold!” As little Jack raced to the side of the pool to escape the freezing pool to the encouragement of the F&FW co-hosts, he began to cry. Looking down at the sobbing boy with her sweetest Southern smile, Ainsley declared, “Good job, Jack! You’re doing a great job, honey! It’s okay!”

As the miserable tyke continued to bawl, Ainsley held her mike out to Bullivant, Jack’s instructor/mother, for comment. Almost apologetically, Bullivant assured, “Normally, he’s a lot happier. But, it’s pretty cold in here today.” Apparently, dipping his own hand into the water off-camera, Tucker confirmed, “Oh, wow! It is cold in there!”

Nevertheless, F&FW only allowed the tremulous toddler to leave the frigid waters of the pool and to be toweled off when the segment ended as the camera panned out. Good job indeed, Jack! But, not so much this time, F&FW producers, Ainsley, Clayton, and Tucker!

*Fox & Friends Weekend – 07/21/13 (@ 6:34 a.m. ET).

**Ibid at @ 9:52 a.m. ET.

Update: Vid (via J$P).

Clayton’s Missing Wedding Ring Reappears

July 15, 2013

Again–as Carpe Diem predicted. Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Clayton Morris decided to don his connubial band again last Saturday. When Clayton’s lost his wedding ring seemingly six days earlier on F&FW Sunday, the author duly noted its absence and the lack of a tan line on his ring finger to boot in an article entitled, “Clayton’s Missing Wedding Ring: Again?” Citing Clayton’s past as probable precedent, the author predicted that Clayton would be sporting the sign of his unending love for his lovely Natali again on Saturday: He did indeed–on Saturday and Sunday.

As fans of Clayton may well remember, he likewise doffed his wedding ring almost four years ago during his first marriage to Sara Batterson. Furthermore, similarly, Carpe Diem published a post querying, “Trouble in Paradise?” Apparently, there was: Nevertheless, Clayton’s marital bling reappeared the very next show.

Hopefully, Clayton’s connubial bond is more secure this time.

Fox & Friends Fail: “Sh*t” Hits the Fans

July 10, 2013

And “the fan,” too? Today, Fox & Friends fans were the victims of a scatological aural assault this morning. Even though some may have felt that way when they first heard that heir apparent F&F Weekend co-host Alisyn Camerota was snubbed in favor of outsider ABC View babe Elisabeth Hasselback (for Gretchen Carlson‘s seat on the curvy couch), they actually were accosted with it as F&F transitioned to its final half hour after a baseball segment with erstwhile NY Mets pitcher Al Leiter.

When co-anchor Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy completed their interview of Leiter, Gretchen teased the final thirty minutes: When she had finished, the camera panned back to the trio on the mock field as producers aired Blake Shelton’s “Boys Round Here.” Apparently, someone had forgot to read the lyrics: As the final seconds ran, Blake is heard singing, “Backwoods legit, don’t take no sh*t.” Someone hit the mute button but to no avail: the damage had been done.

Today, the “sh*t” hit the fans. Did it hit their fan, too? Time will tell.

[Author’s aside: In a classy response to her fervid fans who thought that she had been slighted, Aly Tweeted, “Hi Everyone — thanks for the kind words of support. Stay tuned… I’ll tweet more soon.”]

“Haggling” Gretchen Gone: Hottie Hasselbeck In

July 10, 2013

Finally. Carlson “promoted” to her own afternoon show. As Fox & Friends began this morning, co-anchor Gretchen Carlson announced to her Fox & Friends viewers that she was leaving the curvy couch sometime in September for her own Fox News afternoon show. Referencing obliquely the New York Post “Page Six” exclusive yesterday that she would be replaced by The View‘s co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck and that she would get a one-hour show in the early fall, a smiling Gretchen threw up her hands, saying, “Welcome, everybody! Hey, I, I think we’ve been in the news recently!”

The news comes as little surprise to cable news watchers who have noticed that Gretchen has seemed to be increasingly absent from the show over the past year. On August 4, 2012, Carpe Diem noted in “Gretchen’s Last Summer Vacation” her very frequent vacations and F&F‘s showcasing of possible replacements, including regular fill-ins, Alisyn Camerota and Ainsley Earhardt, and outside talent, Dara Torres and Kara DioGuardi. Over a month later, New York Magazine indicated that Gretchen’s “conspicu[ous] absen[ces] from Fox  & Friends for days on end” that summer coincided with her “haggling over her contract terms,” including a contentious one for her own show, with Fox News.

Apparently, Gretchen has finally won that year-long battle with the FNC suits. Now, she will have to live or die on her own smarts, talent, and charisma. After seven years of Gretchen’s being buttressed by her bulwark F&F co-hosts, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade, Roger Ailes and his Fox family and friends will finally find out if she can stand on her own.

Update 1: J$P “‘advance'” video of Gretchen explaining her “move forward in [her] career.” H/t, Johnny.

Update 2: In Elisabeth’s adieu on The View today, she emotionally declared, “I’m really happy and excited to confirm that indeed I will be joining the Fox & Friends team in September. And, [I] would like to thank Mr. Roger Ailes, Bill Shine, [and] the entire news channel for this incredible opportunity. Today is officially my last day at The View.” [Vid via Mediaite.com – @ 1:03/9:16.]