Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

F&FW: “Cuffing Season”

November 15, 2020

2020 “hookups” for a season! Yes, as an etymological and vocab votary, I learned something new today other than the generally Kafkaesque “2020” news. Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Will Cain read a headlines news story, saying, “And, Chipotle, Uber Eats, and the dating app Hinge and actress Rebel Wilson are teaming up to help spice up your winter….The three companies coming together to make a menu around cuffing season, the kind of season that singles start looking for matches to spend the season with.

All three co-anchors, Will, Jedediah Bila, and Pete Hegseth were completely bemused–and FNC chief meteorologist Rick Reichmuth to boot. As the headlines segment to Rick’s weather segment, Jed remarked, “There is only one person that we can go to and ask who may have the authority on this matter, Rick Reichmuth. Rick, have you ever heard of “cuffing season”?

Rick retorted, “We need some twenty somethings on this show: We’re all to old!”

As Rick’s hit segment ended, Jed declared, “Guys, I have…an update on “cuffing season.” It is, apparently, like when singles are looking, for how do we say it, companionship to get through the cold winter season months starting from October to Valentines Day. So, essentially, to me, it’s like a hookup season. That’s what I would call it.”

Sexy Jedediah explains cuffing–to heat up her viewers’ cold 2020 season!

  • Fox & Friends Weekend, Jedediah Bila, Will Cain, Pete Hegseth, FNC, Rich Reichmuth

*Fox & Friends Weekend (11/15/20) – 9:39 a.m. ET

Safe Spaces: Right!

March 18, 2020

Safe Space: Fake News? Does anybody who watches cable news on a regular basis believe that the co-hosts who are appearing as the Brady Bunch a la Fox and Friends or The Five or six  feet from each other a la New Day buy it? If one does, one probably should be more than willing to buy the Brooklyn bridge from a stranger or the one that Senator Hatch offered to sell in Massachusetts.

No one with any media savvy or political correctness gone amok believe this inanity is for real. Obviously, they are attempting to make a statement as to what the voter should observe–and to be politically correct seemingly.

But, it is irritating to watch knowing full well that these co-hosts are probably congregating in the green room or a private bar nearby. Even though the intent may be benign, the virtue signalling is nauseating.


Ed out: Carley In?

December 20, 2019

Queens boy out: Jersey girl in? Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Ed Henry appears to be on his way–given the Tucker Carlson treatment. Both seemed to bristle at being treated to the F&FW trials where they were not given the Anderson Cooper coddling but they had to find a way to endear themselves to the “implorables,” the backbone of America who are not ensconced in the elitist Establishment’s Ivory towers.

Tucker’s trial by fire (where he actually had to eat on air contrary to his sworn attestations aforehand and to suffer other motley indignities to the delight of the Everywo/man) resulted in his becoming an FNC prime-time host of his highly-rated eponymous show. Now, oft decried as the “journalist” co-anchor on F&FW by his beloved tattooed Army co-host serviceman Pete Hegseth, Ed seems set to be on a similar path as the co-anchor with the lovely LSU alum, Sandra Smith, on America’s Newsroom as Bill Hemmer moves on to “green pastures” in the afternoon to take over Shep’s erstwhile grazing milieu.

Perhaps, Fox & Friends (in its various iterations) blond beauty Carley Shimkus from New Jersey will join slightly harder-edged brunette Jersey girl Jedediah Bila on the curvy couch with Pete to sweeten the pot. As longtime fans of F&FW know full well, it would not be the first time that two gorgeous gals ruled the roost in the early FNC weekend morn. Once the comely Kiran Chetry, Jersey-girl Alisyn Camerota, and Julian Phillips made up the two-gal, one-boy ensemble that awakened F&FW fans to greet the dawn.

Much success, Ed! And, hopefully, Carley will fill your footsteps in her sleek, sexy stilettos.


Buttery Nipples Gone

November 1, 2018

But not the drinks. In a humorous apparently politically correct decision, Land O’Lakes decided to “udderly” change the face of their butter (new look). Their erstwhile iconic comely American Indian maiden’s photo was altered for apparently politically “appropriate” purposes.

Instead of the nubile Native American beauty’s photo of her holding a pound of butter in front of her breasts and her showing her bare knees at the end of her short skirt with distinctly apparent breast with nipple aspects, there is now a close-up of her face. For those who are ignorant of this seeming tease, if one simply cuts out the knees and places them where the pound of butter was in front of her breasts, it appears to be a naughty nod to the guy and gal who formerly bought their tempting product.

It will be interesting to see how the product sells now. Perchance, it will depend on the guy or gal who buys the once seemingly salaciously packaged product. Of course, sex sells–and, we shall see as to the Land O’Lakes lady’s butter.

[Author’s aside: Apparently, “official” explanation link:

Things I Shouldn’t Say

March 27, 2018

Aly’s woke wrong, and Ainsley’s Ainsley. In the old days of Fox & Friends, Mancow was mimicking oral sex with E. D. Hill with his second and third fingers in a vee and lapping it up with his tongue with a naughty smile as a blushing E. D. laughed it off. Apparently, they had been lovers–and, viewers were invited to a peep show of sorts of days gone bye.

Now, it’s different. New Day co-host Alisyn Camerota has gone from Roger Ailes smart, sassy, sexy lovely to Jeff Zucker’s snarky, “rolling eye” gal when it comes to her conservative guests. But, sometimes, she’s fair–even though the viewer knows that Zucker is watching and having his way way too often.

As to Fox and Friends co-anchor Ainsley Earhardt, she plays her role a la Abby Huntsman of Fox & Friends Weekend. Both are beautiful, brainy gals bringing it to the center seat on the curvy couch. They are both sexy as all get-out: But, they are also rather religious. So wrap your brain around that–if you can.

As a synopsis, Aly is still sexy but she is Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct: You never know if she’ll kill you with her looks or her CNN ice pick. As to Ainsley (and Abby), they both appear very inviting but one wonders if they really in truly are that sweet.

Chris & Aly Mock POTUS

December 19, 2017

Cuomo: “I hold it like a man–with one hand!” Giving fodder to President Trump in his claim that CNN is fake news, New Day co-hosts Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota supplied it in droves this morning.* [Vid (“The Right Scoop): Link here.]

Recently, Chris and Aly gave the President grief for drinking a dozen Diet Cokes a day. Today they mocked his manner of drinking water in his national security speech Monday. Chuckling, Aly remarked, “Twitter took note: It has led to comparisons of how the President needs to use two hands, apparently, to drink from a water bottle. He did that drink the speech last month and then again yesterday!” Cradling her small water in her hands in derision,  she added, “But, this was an even smaller glass yesterday where he used two hands.”

Turning to Chris, she laughed, “I believe last time you called it the “baby grip!”

Deriding President Trump further, Chris responded, “Well, that is the sippy cup that you’re using there right now! Grabbing a large empty glass vase, he joked, “I don’t get all the hands thing and the glass.” Putting the empty vessel to his lips and feigning a gulp, he brandished it to the viewer, saying, “You know, I don’t know what it’s all about….This is what I drink out of–I drink out of ’em and I hold it’s like a man–with one hand! But, you know, that’s, that’s me!”

Seeming to reference Senator Marco Rubio’s insulting infamous shot at POTUS, Aly joked, “You just have giant [inaudible]! Sarcastically, Chris said, “I don’t think that’s a judgment. Certainly, not one of our biggest concerns: You know, if you want to a cup with all of your hands that’s what you do!” Going for the derisive denouement, Aly iterated, “It is the sippy cup!”

Sadly, CNN is  a soupcon of a shadow of what it once was–a news work that put on, at the very least, a semblance of objectivity.  Anti-Trumpers and Never-Trumpers were given comfort: And, Trump supporters were reaffirmed in their views of CNN’s overt bias. Sad.

[H/t, Johnny Dollar.]

*New Day – 12/19/17 (@ 8:45 a.m. ET).


Acerbic McCain Disses Doocy (Peter)

October 18, 2017

Steve sanguine: Ainsley anguished. This Wednesday morn, Fox & Friends fans eagerly awaited co-anchor Steve Doocy‘s reaction to his son, FNC correspondent Peter Doocy, being dissed by a perturbed, irascible, supercilious Senator John McCain after being queried as to whether his relationship with President Trump was frayed to the point that he was not to support anything that the President came to him and asked for.

Introducing the segment regarding the heated exchange between his son and the fiery Senator, Steve said, “John McCain is the man who torpedoed the Affordable Care Act fix in the Senate. So, that’s a good question regarding the relationship with the President. And, a young correspondent I happen to know asked the Senator about it and I don’t think he liked the question.”*

Immediately thereafter, in the vid that ran, Peter asked, “Has your relationship with the President frayed to the point that you are not going to support anything that he comes to you and asks for?”

Menacingly, McCain acerbically retorted, “Why would you say something that stupid? Why would you ask something that dumb? Huh?…You mean that I’m going somehow to behave in a way that I’m going to block everything because of a personal disagreement. That’s a dumb question!” Then, he turned and walked away in a huff.

After the clip, Steve declared, “Is it a fair question? Clearly, John McCain has not been a reliable “yes” vote for the Trump train. And, so going forward what’s he going do? As the President said, he would like to have John McCain’s vote but he doesn’t.”

Interjecting, co-host Brian Kilmeade stated, “McCain had a speech after getting a Freedom Award where he was very negative about the President.” Explaining, he mentioned McCain’s allusion to the President’s policies as “half-baked nationalism.”  But, defending McCain, he said, “But, he seemed to, at least, give a vote for the moving forward on the budget resolution, to discuss the budget: That will be later this week.”

In answer, co-anchor Ainsley Earhardt responded, “Well, they’ve been going back and forward, Senator McCain and the President.” Pointing to Steve, Ainsley exclaimed, “And, for him to talk to your son who I feel like is my family, I didn’t like that! But, I understand, I know he’s going through a lot so God bless him: But, I didn’t like that exchange! Looking intently at Steve, a sympathetic Ainsley asked, “How did you feel as his dad?”

Deflecting, Steve answered, “It’s, it’s a good question. And, you know what, it’s the sound bite we ran.”

As Solomon once said, “A soft answer turneth away wrath.” Well played, Steve–and Peter.

*Fox & Friends – 10/18/17 (@ 7:08 ET).




Aly & Dave Back Together–on CNN!

September 4, 2017

Clayton Out! Alisyn Camerota: “Don’t adjust your TV’s: It’s not 2012. Look who [sic] I’m reunited with, Dave Briggs, my old co-host!”* That is how New Day co-host introduced guest co-host Dave Briggs with whom she formerly co-anchored Fox & Friends on FNC (as Early Start promoted the upcoming New Day Show).

As New Day concluded, Aly turned to Dave, smiling, saying, “Well, Dave, um, it’s.” On cue, Dave turned to Aly, deadpanning, “Before, we go, you know…I’ve read this terrific book: I need to get you to sign my copy.” Beaming and looking at the camera, Aly jested, “What’s it called? You mean “Amanda Wakes Up?”

Beaming at his former Fox News co-anchor, Dave declared, “I’ve read it: I’ve done my homework. I’ve searched for my story in there.” Not so facetiously, she replied, “Oh, you may recognize a few characters in there!” Chuckling, Dave responded, “I recognize a little bit.”

And, fans of Fox & Friends Weekend and Fox News in general may recognize a lot. And, Amanda Wakes Up may tell a lot–about Aly’s transmogrification from her FNC role to her CNN one.

Ironically, on the very day that Aly and Dave reunited on CNN morning TV, Fox & Friends Weekend co-host Clayton Morris who was on the same team with Aly and Dave declared his departure from the curvy couch this Labor Day in the penultimate F&F segment and said that he might not ever be on TV again.

*Early Start – 09/04/17 (@ 5:46).

Hottie Heather Returns to F&F

September 4, 2017

Former Fox & Friends newsreader Heather Nauert returns as the new State Department spokesperson. The blonde beauty had the same sexy mien with a short dress and plunging neckline this early morn on the curvy couch as usual: And, she also brought the brains and strength re North Korea, Russia, and Syria with full control of POTUS’ perspective. She was a true Trump representative: Sexy, smart, and strong a la FLOTUS!

Congratulations, Heather, on your job! And, welcome back to F&F!

*Fox & Friends – 09/04/17 (@ 8:03 a.m. ET).


Piro: “This Is My First Day”

June 18, 2017

Morris: “See you next [sic] Sunday on the show.” Fox & Friends fans seemed a bit confused yesterday and today as to whether new hire Todd Piro, an erstwhile NBC Connecticut host was replacing Clayton Morris on Fox & Friends Weekend. Wednesday, Todd was welcomed to the Fox & Friends family as its “newest member” by F&F co-anchors, Steve Doocy, Abby Huntsman, and Brian Kilmeade.

In the segment, supra, entitled, “Welcome to the F&F Family, Todd Piro!, Todd introduced himself with a video showing him revisiting his hometown of Verona, New Jersey; visiting a life-long friend (from kindergarten); touring his high school where he played in the VHS Maroon and White marching band; and presiding over a family dinner where his mom said, “You always liked an audience” and his lovely, spunky wife saucily added, “I think she’s politely saying, ‘You like attention.'”

Strangely, no one explained what Todd’s new role would be: Ergo, it was only natural that F&F fans would wonder whose role he may be taking. Friday, he did his first diner interview at the Cozy Corner in Miami Springs, Florida, for F&F: Afterwards, new newsreader Philly lovely, adventure-seeking Jillian Mele (fun F&F intro vid) who recently replaced Heather Nauert (now State Department spokesperson) gushed: “I’m so excited for him! He got here about a week after I did.” Saturday and Sunday, Todd guest hosted on Fox & Friends Weekend, causing viewers to wonder if Clayton was leaving the show: Saturday it was mentioned several times that Todd was filling in for Clayton at but on Sunday it was not.

So, it is not surprising that F&F and F&FW fans want to know who Todd will be replacing–or if he is merely a new addition. Naturally, one might think that Todd might be the latest co-host of F&FW replacing Clayton to completely clean the slate of the old team consisting of the beloved three-time co-host Alisyn Camerota, fun family guy Dave Briggs, and tech geek Clayton to start anew with Abby as the queen of the weekend curvy couch with former VA candidate Pete Hegseth and the new guy Todd as her “bookend” guys.

For F&FW fans who happen to follow Clayton on Twitter, on Saturday, he Tweeted, “Off to Reheboth Beach/Bethany Beach Delaware for the week. See ya next Sunday on the show.”

Re Clayton’s return next Sunday, it is likely. But, nota bene, sometimes, F&FW vacations seem to be an adumbration of the future.


“The Fox News Specialists”: Really?

April 30, 2017

Five O’Clock Somewhere might strike a more resonant chord with long-time Five fans whose show has moved to prime time (9 p.m. ET). The Five‘s replacement show as of Monday (May 1), “Fox News Specialists,” sounds somewhat supercilious at best and downright condescending to faithful, informed FNC viewers who probably know almost as much or possibly even more than the newly named co-hosts Eric Bolling, Eboni Williams, and Katherine Timpf.

Eric deserves the five o’clock slot if anyone does: Eric has held the Five center seat with distinction and promoted The Five diurnally by pointing to his left hand with all five “fingers” (including his thumb) extended at the end of virtually every show–not to mention, he’s a smart cookie who also anchors Cashin’ In on Saturday mornings (11:30 a.m. ET). As for Eboni, she’s has been a regular on Outnumbered who has a sharp legal mind, good common sense, and distinct feminine pulchritude. As to Katherine, she is smart and sexy, too, but she can be annoying with her millennial snark as she frequently has evidenced on Red Eye and the Greg Gutfeld Show.

“News Specialists” sounds more like an obnoxious MSNBC show that might be hosted by Mika Brzezenski  of Morning Joe who infamously said, “[Trump] is trying to undermine the media and trying to make up his own facts. He could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think. That is our job.”

Eric, Eboni, and Katherine, it’s not Mika’s job, and it’s not your job. As you all well know, your job is to report and to let your audience decide. And, when you and your colleagues do it well, every viewer is a “Fox News Specialist.”

Break a leg! Hopefully, it’s “five o’clock somewhere”!

Pete: Tucker’s Heir?

March 26, 2017

Bringing gravitas back! Strangely, Fox & Friends Weekend “co-host” Pete Hegseth is still listed as a contributor for Fox News Channel (FNC) in his FNC bio and on his Twitter page.  But, he appears to be the unannounced co-anchor of Fox & Friends Weekend a la his apparent predecessor Tucker Carlson and his seeming co-host Abby Huntsman. Perhaps, the F&FW suits have learned from the time they awkwardly replaced Fox & Friends co-anchors Page Hopkins, Kelly Wright, and Greg Kelly with Ainsley Earhardt, Dave Briggs, and Clayton Morris without notice to F&FW fans.

Abby and Ainsley’s loose lips? Friday, Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley sat between guest co-hosts Pete and Clayton on the curvy couch and Abby Huntsman was the newsreader. Before Abby read the headlines at the top of the seven o’clock hour (ET), she pointed to Pete, Clayton, and Ainsley, declaring, “My weekend crew, Ainsley! You’re sitting right…[inaudible]….I love it!” Even though she was the queen of the F&F curvy couch, Ainsley sweetly cooed, “I know! I love being a part of you all! Thank you for letting me do this!”

On Fox & Friends Weekend (Saturday) and today, Pete’s ascendancy to F&FW co-anchor seemed crystal clear. Yesterday, at the top of each hour, the names and Twitter addresses of Pete, Abby, and Clayton were displayed as chyrons at the bottom of the screen underneath them: For the doubting Thomases at the top of the second hour, Clayton seemed to adduce evidence to Pete’s apparent new position, saying, “Pete, Abby, and Clayton in the house for you.” On F&FW today, the chyrons of the names and Twitter addresses of Pete, Abby, and Clayton were back at the top of each hour.

Perhaps, it is a mite premature, Pete: But, welcome aboard the F&FW ship! Your first mate Abby is a young smart beauty who is heir to her father’s political acumen and Clayton is the entertaining class clown who loves UFO’s, comic book cines, and the latest in tech products: And, you bring Tucker’s gravitas to the mix with your Princeton and Harvard education; much more importantly, your service to the nation; and your dedication to the nation’s vets.

For Pete’s sake, Pete, do yourself and your F&FW fans proud! Break a leg!




Romans on the Market?

March 24, 2017

And, no, not the financial market! CNN Early Start co-host Christine Romans has a handsome new TV husband, co-anchor Dave Briggs–and she may now be looking for a new off-camera hubby for a new start.

The mother of three has been been married to Reuters reporter Ed Tobin but divorce rumors have been afoot for a year, at least, according to But, the website author(s) issued a caveat, saying, “[T]he media reports were considered to be ‘true’ until recently Romans clearly denied rumors of their divorce.

But, maybe, the rumors were well founded. For the last week on Early Start, Christine has eschewed wearing her wedding ring. Christine’s take on the market on CNN is one thing: But, her take on the market off camera may now have a whole new meaning!

Romans on the market? Stay tuned.




Dave Briggs’ Debut

February 23, 2017

Alisyn Camerota: “Reunited and it feels so good! Yes, former Fox & Friends Weekend co-hosts Dave Briggs and Alisyn Camerota are back together in the morn–at CNN! To boot, they are on back-to-back shows: Dave is Christine Romans‘ new co-host on Early Start from 4-6 a.m. ET, and Aly is Chris Cuomo‘s co-anchor on New Day from 6-9 a.m. ET.

It was a strange, striking sight to see these Fox News co-anchors lovingly embrace each other on FNC’s main cable news rival as Aly teased her ND show on ES. Before she did, Dave introduced her saying, “Alright, let take a look what’s coming up on New Day. My former co-host, my mentor, my friend Alisyn Camerota joining us this morning!”* Gleefully smiling and applauding, Aly broke into song, singing, “Reunited and it feels so good!” Joining in with a big grin, Dave sang, “So good!”

Subsequently, Aly declared, “Dave, we’re super excited to welcome you here to CNN: It’s so great to have you as part of the extended New Day family.”

Giving Dave a playful dig, Aly declared, “I know that you are a fan of the fancy foot hosiery: So, at New Day, we wanted to get you off on the right foot. You’re a man who doesn’t shy await from a floral print. We have some fancy new socks here.” Displaying Dave’s three pairs of fun, colorful pairs fit for a President (George H.W. Bush), Aly said, “We know you like it: So, this should get you through the first week.”

Happy to have her friend back as a colleague, Aly concluded, “We’re thrilled to have you, Dave!”

Indeed, Aly: Great to see you back in the cable news morn indeed, Dave!

*Early Start – 02/23/17 (@ 5:47 a.m. ET).

Trump’s Inauguration: Bushes Boycott, Too? [Updated]

January 18, 2017

George H.W. & Barbara hospitalized & fifty Dem Reps boycott The Donald’s big day. January 20 appears to be the day of reckoning for the GOP and the Democratic establishment–not to mention the media elites.

When the author first read that 41 was hospitalized, he wondered whether it was a convenient way for all of the Bushes including W. and the visibly vanquished JEB! to not attend the inauguration of the “hated” Donald J. Trump. After all, the heads of the GOP establishment might covet cover for their absence from the Trump inauguration. When Bush’s wife and W. and Jeb’s mother Barbara was also hospitalized, all of the Bushes had an assuredly colorable cause to not show up for the big event. In all fairness, they probably did all feel truly ill that this upstart who did not fully appreciate–nay, scorned what they had contributed to the GOP–had assumed the mantle of the Presidency.

Interestingly, Trump’s Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her husband, former President Bill Clinton are scheduled to be in attendance: Of course, they have not yet completely ceded their party to President Obama and his followers. However, reportedly, over fifty Democratic U.S. Representatives have decided to boycott POETUS’s inauguration to send out a clear message that Trump should not be embraced as the new President.

As to the mainstream media, it appears rather transparent that Trump is not their candidate of choice. CNN and Buzzfeed seem to make it abundantly clear that they are more than happy to report on the “garbage document,” as Bob Woodward deemed it, than celebrate the next President’s induction.

Perchance, the author is wrong: But, there seems to be a confluence of the coastal powers-that-be that is not quite ready to recognize that the American people have the ultimate say. Flyover country has spoken: But, the GOP, Democratic, and media Establishment elites appear decidedly deaf to their voice. After January 20 noon, they will not be.

[Update: President George W. Bush confirms that he and Laura will be at President-elect Donald J. Trump’s inauguration–and will be standing in for his dad George Bush the Elder and his mom Barbara. Link:

Ainsley Dissed by “Nerd”

January 10, 2017

Earhardt: “Are we chopped liver?” Fox & Friends co-host Ainsley Earhart had some shade thrown her way by founder Kevin McCarthy Friday.

At the end of his segment entitled “Golden Globes Predictions,” Kevin remarked, “[Co-anchor] Steve [Doocy], I’m coming to New York: We’re watching Deadpool together sometime! We’re watching Deadpool together sometime!

Seemingly offended at Kevin’s slight to her, Ainsley stammered, “Oh! What, wha!” Pointing to herself and to her co-host Brian Kilmeade, she exclaimed, “Are we chopped liver?”

Not wanting to be drawn into that drama, Brian dismissively waved his hand downward and laughed, “I saw it already: I can’t watch it again!

In response, Kevin chuckled heartily.

Chagrined, Ainsley sighed, “I’ll just have to watch it by myself, I guess.”

Uncomfortably, Kevin chuckled again: But, in a rather abbreviated fashion.

To this viewer, Kevin’s response seemed somewhat strange. Usually, he is quite sycophantic and solicitous towards the F&F co-hosts: But, he seemed a bit reluctant to assuage a slighted Ainsley Friday. Perchance, Kevin is feeling a mite too much like F&F family for Ainsley’s taste.

*Fox & Friends – 01/06/17 (@ 7:56 a.m. ET).


Julie Roginsky: Blows Trump Away?

September 2, 2016

Re-Tweets graphic of apparent Trump “glory hole” for his base, citing her article that snarked at The Donald for not confronting Mexican Prez Nieto on paying for the wall all the while ignoring that her fave declined her invitation to even meet with him. Obviously, the Outnumbered co-host, Dem strategist, and FNC contributor is going to spin, snipe, and snark at the Presidential standard bearer of the GOP. But, it was a bit cheeky at best to re-Tweet an apparent “glory hole” of The Donald “blowing” his base on the immigration issue.

Julie is smart. Taking it to the gutter is one thing: But, taking it to the restroom–and the seeming “glory hole” is a whole other matter. Guess Trump is a bigger threat than the left wants to admit.

Maria Molina Returns

August 28, 2016

“Labor Day and the day after.” FNC meteorologist Maria Molina has almost flown the coop: Last Thursday, Maria revealed on Fox & Friends that she was leaving Fox News to attend Central Michigan University to follow her dream of acquiring a PhD “in the field that [she] love[s]” (an “Earth Science degree”): She said that she would matriculate into the program this Monday and seemed to indicate that her last day on air would be Labor Day. [Segment vid.] When asked for clarification by the author today, Maria responded, “Labor Day and the day after.”

Ergo, Maria is a full-time C.M.U. PhD student as of tomorrow: Nevertheless, she has not left the Fox News building: I.e., she will treat her fans to a return appearance on Labor Day and an encore on the following day.

Explaining her departure to Michigan from New York in an Fox & Friends segment Thursday, Maria remarked, “I have been working on some work already with a professor at Columbia University….And, he has moved to Central Michigan University: So, I want to keep working on that same project.”

When F&F co-host Brian Kilmeade queried, “Do you see yourself going back on camera?” Maria exclaimed, “Yes! I would love to return: And, hopefully, explore some ways to stay on camera while I’m out there in Michigan–maybe, with a local station, hoping to stay in the Fox family.”

[Author’s aside: For Carpe Diem readers who want the full segment referenced throughout the article, supra, please link here.]


Melania Nude: America’s Carla Bruni?

August 1, 2016

The “First Hottie”! And what’s wrong with that? For two days straight (NSFW Sunday pics, Monday photos), the New York Post has posted pics of the GOP nominee Donald Trump‘s gorgeous former model wife Melania in her birthday suit (obscured by the usual censoring graphics). Like Jackie O. (a seemingly sexy naturalist–at least at the pool), she is fabulously beautiful and exudes a certain sensuality that would captivate the American public.

Aptly, Trump adviser Jason Miller declared, “Nothing to be embarrassed about with the pictures–she’s a beautiful woman.” The Donald himself said, “Melania was one of the most successful models and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines.

Yes, the photos might be a mite racy of the beautiful Godiva in the nude–by herself and in the embrace of another lovely lady. But, Melania’s detractors should understand that she was modeling for a French gents’ mag. The photog remarked, “I think it is important to show the beauty and freedom of the woman, and I am very proud of these pictures because they celebrate Melania’s beauty. And Melania’s proud hubs The Donald remarks, “Melania was one of the most successful models, and she did many photo shoots, including for covers and major magazines. This was a picture taken for a European magazine….In Europe, pictures like this are very fashionable and common.”

The comely Melania is veritably a Venus. And, if her hubby succeeds, she may be America’s version of France’s former fine first lady Carla Bruni (NSFW pics).

Gretchen Out: Bitter?

July 10, 2016

Sues Roger Ailes: Her “lawyers…say Ailes is the ‘Bill Cosby of media.'” Wow! Former Fox & Friends co-host and anchor of The Real Story with Gretchen Carlson, Gretchen Carlson, is apparently not amused that her tenure is over: Reportedly, she is suing FNC honcho Roger Ailes for sexual harassment after her contract was not renewed.

According to the Daily Mail, Gretchen said that Ailes asked her to “turn around so he could view her posterior.” Furthermore, the NYT reported that Gretchen alleged that Ailes had eyed her in his office and called her sexy and “explicitly asked [her] in his office for a sexual relationship.”

In response, Gretchen’s former female FNC colleagues pushed back. “On the Record” anchor Greta van Susteren said that she has “‘absolutely never’ seen …Ailes act inappropriately toward women” and described Gretchen as “a very unhappy employee that lost her job” according to The Wrap. According to the same publication, hitting Gretchen even harder, “Justice with Judge Jeanine” anchor Jeanine Pirro declared, “I know know the man. I have been in a room with him. He has never said or done anything [inappropriate].”: Taking aim at her former FNC colleague, Jeanine added that the lawsuit was “absurd” and remarked, “I don’t know that she, the plaintiff [Gretchen], even has a friend in that building.” On a softer note FBN anchor Maria Bartiromo said, “It’s not in keeping with what I know, and my experience at Fox” according to Variety. Morever, The Five co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle chimed in (according to TVNewser), “Total disbelief. I’ve known Roger Ailes for 15 years and I have been treated with the utmost professionalism and respect: He’s been a fantastic mentor in television for me.” To boot, in her HuffPo article, former Fox & Friends First co-anchor Kiran Chetry, who had a self-proclaimed “parting [that] was ugly and public,” defended Ailes, saying, “Over the years at Fox, I met with Roger Ailes one-on-one many times and never once did Roger ever make me feel uncomfortable or put forth any sexual advances.”

According to the Hollywood Report, Ailes hit back hard at Gretchen, saying:

“Gretchen Carlson’s allegations are false. This is a retaliatory suit for the network’s decision not to renew her contract, which was due to the fact that her disappointingly low ratings were dragging down the afternoon lineup. When Fox News did not commence any negotiations to renew her contract, Ms. Carlson became aware that her career with the network was likely over and conveniently began to pursue a lawsuit. Ironically, Fox News provided her with more on-air opportunities over her 11-year tenure than any other employer in the industry, for which she thanked me in her recent book. This defamatory lawsuit is not only offensive, it is wholly without merit and will be defended vigorously.”

Gretchen and her fellow femme fatale predecessor co-hosts on Fox & Friends have always been sexually empowered since the fun, flirty, racy, E. D. Hill made her debut in 1998: And, for those that embrace it, that is modern liberated feminism, women unashamed of their potent power of feminine pulchritude and seduction and are not afraid to embrace it. E.g., Gretchen seemed to tout this “new” feminism in her somewhat tempting “twerking” and awkward aping of “scandalous” Miley Cyrus on F&F. Also, naughty Fetchin’ Gretchen had her sultry take on sharing her momcave with Chris Wallace, nipple clips, and licked thighs on F&F (02/04/11). Not to mention Gretchen’s saucy flirtation with Chris Wallace when the Fox News Sunday host  exclaimed, “Let me just say…I was thinking how to clean this up. Gretchen, when you were wearing that cowboy hat and smoking that cigar you looked fetching.” (In response, Gretchen, re-enacted and accentuated her sultry cowboy/cigar look for Chris to which he responded, Oh, Mama! You should take that home for your husband tonight.”) Maybe, Ailes was having fun with that vibe from Gretchen–if in fact he said what he purportedly said.

Nevertheless, a woman or a man’s employment, advancement, etc. should never be predicated on her/his employer’s reaction to their employee’s sexual power. Nor, should the employee ever be subject to his/her unwanted advances.