Archive for November, 2016

Cuomo’s “Bullsh*t”!

November 29, 2016

Camerota: “How much time and energy and space should we be devoting to the demonstrably false claims that the President-elect makes, let’s say, about people voting illegally?”* If New Day viewers wavered over how co-hosts Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota stood vis-a-vis President-elect Donald Trump before today, they probably got a good sense today. Over the election cycle, it has seemed rather obvious for whom CNN honcho Jeff Zucker’s New Day co-hosts Chris and Aly were rooting.

And, that is not necessarily bad. Journos have a high and exalted perspective of themselves as truth tellers and fair-and-balanced purveyors of the facts. Since the days of yellow journalism under Hearst and Pulitzer, journalists have pined for eyes and considered themselves just a little–or, a lot better–than the average Joe/Jill or Everyman/Everywoman. And, every so often the public gets lazy and falls for the charade. But, happily, journos overreach and the public smiles–because they know the truth: The reader/viewer gets the facts, hopefully, and still distills the spin. And, it is not that hard.

This early morn, Chris was whining about President-elect Donald J. Trump’s allegation that he would have won the popular vote if illegals had not voted, saying, “That’s called bullsh*t.”** Chiming in, Aly pontificated that Trump’s claims were “demonstrably false.” It was amusing to the viewer because s/he knows that the media has skin in the game whether they admit it or not. The perpetuation of the caviling and carping of the media simply signals their audience that their “talking heads” are probably biased–even if well intentioned.

Love you, Chris and Aly: But, move on. Or, your viewers may well do so.

*New Day – 11/29/16 (@ 6:52 a.m. ET).

**Ibid (@6:54 a.m. ET).

Kirsten Powers Engaged

November 17, 2016

Kirsten: “I get to marry my best friend and love of my life.” Last night, the recently FNC-turned CNN news analyst Kirsten Powers happily Tweeted, “[Fiance Robert Draper] decided to … so I get to marry my best friend and love of my life.” Wanting her fans to see her blissfully flaunting her new connubial bling, she Instagrammed  this pic. Elaborating with three photo-booth shots of her and love, she added, “This is us three weeks after we met (at ronbonjean Christmas party). We knew we were on to something good.”

Responding, Robert wrote, “PSA: I’m engaged to be married to the love of my life, .”

Best wishes, Kirsten, and, congratulations, Robert!

Janice Dean Finally Quits “Shacking Up”!

November 17, 2016

“A Fox & Friends Welcome!” If the Fox & Friends viewers were aroused by the sexy “Dance Machine” a/k/a as the “Weather Machine, Janice Dean, this past Monday morn, they could be forgiven for being rightly confused–as if they were still drinking the potent nectar of the Green Goddess on Bourbon Street in the early hours of Lundi Gras. Perhaps, confusingly to this addled audience, F&F co-anchors Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Ainsley Earhardt were warmly welcoming their long-time colleague Janice  to the F&F crew with a marvelous montage of vid clips of some of her finest moments on F&F (kissing her FDNY fire-fighter hubby Sean Newman, bathing her son Matthew in a five-gallon bucket, cuddling with Aerosmith rocker Steve Tyler in a photo, etc.).

Yes, Janice is a fun girl: And, she has finally quit “shacking up” with her F&F (and F&F First) Friends!

Welcome, Janice: Or, as Axyl Rose sings, “Welcome to the Jungle”!

[Author’s note: The Brooke Shields doppelganger has been with the F&F crew and fans for thirteen years: And, now it is official.]

Tucker’s Last Day

November 5, 2016

Carlson: I’m going to miss you guys. I really am!” Today was Tucker Carlson‘s finale as Fox & Friends Weekend co-anchor. As the show began, co-host Clayton Morris remarked, “Let’s address the elephant in the room because I’m a little misty today: This is Tucker’s last day sitting on the curvy couch with us on Fox & Friends [Weekend]. I’m going to miss you terribly!” Explaining Tucker’s departure, Clayton continued, “But, you’re not going very far. You’re going to be going to the seven p.m. prime time here on Fox News Channel.”

Chiming in, putative F&FW co-anchor Abby Huntsman declared, “It’s a big deal! We’re so excited for you.”

Turning to Abby, Tucker responded, “Thank you!” Then, he added, “I’m sad about it, actually. I haven’t thought about it. I’m excited: But, I’m sad this is my last day. It’s so totally bizarre.”

From the F&FW co-host who told viewers that he did not eat food on TV and who signed his name with printed initials, Tucker has come a long way–especially for his long-time viewers who watched him long ago on CNN when he seemed to be the smug, smart-alecky bow-tie wearing co-host of Crossfire. [Celebrating Tucker’s evolution on the curvy couch: F&FW vid “A Look Back.”] Initially, the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Caller seemed reluctant to embrace his additional role as an FNC edutainment co-anchor: But, Bill Shine–with the invaluable coaching of former co-anchor Alisyn Camerota eased Tucker onto the curvy couch, replacing the charming, self-effacing Dave Briggs.

Tucker, it was always evident that you were on the Fox News A-Team, and you brought real gravitas to the F&FW curvy couch: When major news events occurred, you would oft stay put on the show as co-anchor or pundit when your co-hosts other than Aly oft vacated theirs. Ergo, it is no surprise that you are getting your new show at 7 p.m. ET. Congratulations!