Archive for the ‘Rick Levanthal’ Category

F&F Exposes Robin Hood 702

July 19, 2010

Not only did Fox & Friends air the “f-bomb” this morning but it also exposed the face of Robin Hood 702 I, a high roller who reputedly takes from the rich casino barons and gives to the poor. In a preview to its “Robin Hood 7002” segment,  F&F juxtaposed apparently new frontal footage of Robin Hood (albeit with sunglasses, a baseball cap, and a beard) with 02/25/10 F&F vid of a masked Robin Hood. When co-anchor Steve Doocy introduced Rick Levanthal as the one “who’s been following the story,” Levanthal abashedly grinned, saying, “He should have worn that mask when he was with [me?]. He didn’t, though!”*

Subsequently, during Levanthal’s report, F&F showed copious rather sharp shots of the benevolent bad boy at the casino (and, oddly, also included a darkened video of him). When Levanthal’s tale (which included Robin Hood’s surprising use of the f-word) concluded, Rick remarked, “I think the editor took a few minutes off this morning.” Apparently, Rick was not kidding: Not only did the editor miss the obscenity, but also s/he failed to digitally alter the facial features of Robin Hood for F&F.

However, when Rick narrated his account again on Happening Now, the “slumbering” editor had seemingly awakened: Not only was Robin Hood’s “f-word” excised from the footage but also his visage was digitally obfuscated. When Rick concluded his bowdlerized story, HN guest co-anchor Rick Folbaum remarked, “Now, obviously, Robin Hood wanted his identity disguised and that’s why we sort of pixellated his face.” Smiling sheepishly, Rick replied, “Right.”

However, Robin Hood 702 may not be so amused. The mysterious bandit has been covered by Levanthal as early as August 20, 2008. However, today, on Fox & Friends, he was stripped basically bare for the world to see.

*Fox & Friends – 07/19/10 (@8:46 a.m. ET)

*Happening Now – 07/19/10 (@12:55 a.m. ET)

Fox & Friends’ “F-Bomb”

July 19, 2010

“F**king” on air? And, on video, to boot. Not quite the family-friendly fare that one might expect from Fox News’ Fox & Friends. However, FNC correspondent Rick Levanthal brought just that to kids and their parents watching during a segment entitled “Robin Hood 702.”

Ironically, in his report, Rick introduced a modern day anonymous Robin Hood who came to the rescue of a cancer-stricken local man and his family with his gambling prowess as a Vegas high roller who “admits he’s not perfect” and who is a “sinner and a saint.”* As the footage began to conclude, “Robin Hood” presented his winnings to the needy man and his family, declaring, “That’s going to cover your rent for a year. Okay? And, you know what, if you need another year, I’m gonna f**king co(ver), I’m gonna cover another year.” Quickly, Rick interjected, “Uh, apologize for the language there.”

When Rick’s segment ended, F&F co-host Alisyn Camerota smiling stated, “You said, ‘He’s a sinner and a saint’ and he illustrated that.” Rick laughed, “Yes. And, he proved it: Didn’t he? Waggishly alluding to a recent court ruling declaring FCC indecency policies unconstitutional, Brian Kilmeade commented, “Bono feels a little bit better this morning.” In a bit of an understatement, Rick remarked, “I think the editor took a few minutes off this morning.” Co-host Steve Doocy concurred, “Indeed.”

Then, concluding with an aside to the Fox & Friends audience, Steve somberly said, “And, we do apologize for that language.”

Update: When Rick’s report aired more than four hours later on Happening Now, the editor was back on duty, apparently. The offensive “f-word” was bleeped and Robin Hood’s visage was obscured digitally for good measure.** However, to offset his/her censorious actions, additional VIP gambling vid (of bikini-clad go-go girls) was added to the footage.

*Fox & Friends – 07/19/10 (@8:46 a.m. ET)

**Happening Now – 07/19/10 (@12:55 p.m. ET)