Archive for the ‘Patti Ann Brown’ Category

Huddy & PAB: “Simply the Best”?

December 26, 2013

The girls are back in town! Former Fox & Friends First co-hosts Juliet Huddy and Patti Ann Browne opened their old show to the inimitable Tina Turner’s “Simply the Best” this morning. As current F&FF co-hosts Ainsley Earhardt and Heather Childers took the holidays off, it was an amusing start to the day after Christmas for F&FF fans.

As the reader may recall, F&FF (this iteration) debuted almost two years ago (March 5, 2012) with Ainsley and Anna Kooiman at the helm (vid) as nine other rotating co-anchors (i.e., Heather C., Heather Nauert, PAB, Juliet, Arthel Neville, Jamie Colby, Julie Banderas, Dave Briggs, and Clayton Morris) stood at the ready for their shifts. However, on its one-year anniversary, Ainsley signaled that the F&FF co-hosts had been pared to four: She, the two Heathers, and PAB had survived the cut. Approximately, six months later, FNC whittled the number down to two, namely, Ainsley and Heather Childers: TV Newser rather charitably reported that FNC had chosen the two as the “permanent anchors” of F&FF.

But, today, Juliet and PAB had their revenge at Ainsley and Heather Childers’ expense as producers, wittingly or not, committed a lese-majeste, declaring the fresh Jersey girl and Red Eye‘s “notorious PAB” “simply the best [better than all the rest].” Of course, Ainz and Heather C. are scheduled to return to rule their roost soon. And, if the sages are right, she who laughs last laughs best.

F&FF: Ringing in the New Year with feline fireworks? If so, it should be fun! Rowrr!

Heather & Ainsley: F&FF Catfight Queens?

October 4, 2013

The other Heather and PAB scratched out! FNC chose the Carolina belles Heather Childers and Ainsley Earhardt to be the permanent co-hosts of Fox & Friends according to TVNewser. As to their former rotating fellow co-anchors, Heather Nauert has transitioned to be the quirky headline news reader on the new weekday Fox & Friends and Patti Ann Browne announced that she will do updates and hits and will guest anchor during the “dayside hours.”

Heather and Ainz can be proud of themselves: after all, they are the last ones standing from the originally proclaimed cast of ten (including not only their latest partners Heather N. and PAB but also FNC beauties Anna Kooiman, Juliet Huddy, Arthel Neville and Jamie Colby, and beasts Dave Briggs and Clayton Morris). Ainsley, especially, must feel giddy since she inaugurated this second version of the Fox & Friends First (with Anna) and is still heading the helm.

Unfortunately, the sapor of the show has changed from the time when Ainsley (and Anna) delivered on the promo to be a “shot of espresso” to rouse their viewers from their bed. Short skirts, flirty fun, and cheeky chats have given way too oft to more demure dress, insipid sobriety, and banal banter. Oops: from caffeine to decaf!

Congrats, Heather and Ainsley! Break a leg. And, spice it up!

[Author’s aside: “Catfight Queens”? Perhaps, if the ratings dip too much!]

Fox & Friends First Turns One: Growing Pains?

March 15, 2013

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt: “The four of us.”* F&FF‘s Big Love to less love? On March 5, 2013, Ainsley and her co-anchor Heather Nauert marked their first anniversary on the new Fox & Friends First with a much smaller family of co-hosts and a wiser (or, perhaps, more wizened) version of its younger self. Of the earlier stable of beauties (Anna Kooiman, Ainsley Earhardt, Juliet Huddy, Patti Ann Browne, Arthel Neville, Heather Childers, Heather Nauert, Julie Banderas, and Jamie Colby) and two beasts (Dave Briggs and Clayton Morris), only Ainsley, the two Heathers, and PAB survived the year. As to the show itself, it seems to be still evolving.

When F&FF made its debut [vid1], it proudly featured its “twin” sexy South Carolina sirens, Ainsley and Anna, who more than made good on their saucy promise to rouse their viewers with a “shot of expresso” [vid2].”  Bringing “SexyBack” a la the original F&FF [vid3] in the ’00’s (with Kiran Chetry, Alisyn Camerota, and Juliet Huddy), Anna and Ainsley saucily showcased their sexy stems in short dresses for their fervid fans as F&FF cameras took obligingly lingering shots. Subsequently, after two femme editors (1, 2) mocked the morning gamfest, they returned the very next day to a new set which hid their gorgeous gams behind a huge table: However, after the author derided them for “Losing Sexy Fast” and “Happening Not!,” F&FF switched course again and ditched the daffy desk.

Approximately, four months later, F&FF‘s website signaled that other changes were on the way when it provided only the bios of the current F&FF co-hosts, Ainsley, the two Heathers, and PAB. Subsequently, Juliet moved on to become a Fox 5 Good Day NY co-host; Arthel to her weekends as America’s News Headquarters co-anchor; Jamie Colby to her weekends also to America’s News HQ; and Clayton to his F&FW spot (and F&F guest co-host); and Dave ultimately to NBC Sports (with Michelle D. Beadle).

Re the programming itself, F&FF has ditched the split-screen opening with shots of the lovelies preparing for their show juxtaposed to the opining of Bill O’Reilly to conclude the Factor: in its place, F&FF producers run a modern-day version of American television viewers beginning their day to the national anthem and Old Glory waving in the wind before the programming begins. Mid-show, the gorgeous gals stretch their gams and stand rather than flaunt their legs and sit to proclaim the five important stories of the next half-hour. Furthermore, the “B Team” beauties no longer end their show with a segue to the F&F “A Team”: Rather, they bid their viewers adieu in lieu of risking another uncomfortable toss (“F&F Cat Spat: Gretch ‘Slimes’ the Two Heathers”).

Growing pains? Over the year, F&FF has pared its “perfect ten” to a “final four.” A winning team for the future?

[Author’s aside (re the subtitle): When Heather Nauert concluded F&FF‘s anniversary show, saying, “It’s always a great time together,” Ainsley answered, “The four of us.”]

F&FF’s Old Turkey: “Scrambled Up!”

December 17, 2012

Finally, thrown out? Thankfully, Fox & Friends First‘s awkward “Scrambled Up” signature sign-off seems to have surceased around Thanksgiving. After almost a month of its absence as the segue segment from F&FF to Fox & Friends, it seems safe to say that it has run its course. Now, there is no toss from F&FF co-hosts to their F&F counterparts: instead of the usual hand-off, the F&FF co-anchors crisply conclude their show and simply announce that F&F is next.

For FNC fans who have dreaded the tortured toss exchanges between the F&FF co-hosts and their Fox & Friends colleagues, the change is a welcome one. The F&FF ladies (Ainsley Earhardt, Heather Childers, Heather Nauert, and Patti Ann Browne) no longer have to play second fiddle to F&F diva Gretchen Carlson or her boys, Brian Kilmeade and Steve Doocy. In fact, they don’t have to play at all with their seemingly scornful sibs who appeared to disdain playing the “Scrambled Up!” jumble with their  F&FF “little sisters.”

Apparently, Ainz, PAB, and the two Heathers are all grown up now–and on their own. At last.

Doubly “Blessed” Ainsley: “It’s Official!!!”

October 25, 2012

Gets new hubby–and new job! Fox & Friends First co-host Ainsley Earhardt returned to her show today with a brand new lease on life. Last night, Ainsley announced via Twitter that she, Heather Childers, Heather Nauert, and Patti Ann Browne are now the “official” Fox & Friends First co-hosts. Today, she proclaimed on F&FF how “blessed” she was to have a “beautiful” new husband, former Clemson quarterback Will Proctor (as she shared wedding photos with her viewers mid-show).*

As Ainsley revealed to her Facebook friends, Ainsley got married to Will less than two weeks ago (October 13). Subsequently, the two lovers went on a romantic romp to an undisclosed location. But, Ainsley indicated that it would not be all fun and games: She Facebooked, “Even on our honeymoon, we are excited to watch the debate. Critical time for our great country!”

Congratulations, Ainsley, to you and Will! And, laurels, on your selection as official F&FF co-host!

[Author’s aside: Over three months ago, the author posited in Carpe Diem‘s “Fox & Friends First: The Four Now?” that the F&FF roster appeared to have been pared down to Ainsley, P.A.B., and the two Heathers. Happily, Ainsley finally confirmed it yesterday.]

*An earlier pic of the happy couple at the New York Junior League 58th Annual Winter Ball.

Ainsley’s Bridal Shower: Updated!

September 27, 2012

[Earhardt’s tiger revealed, infra.] Seventh heaven: Ainsley and six other Ailes’ angels celebrate a new beginning. Yesterday, Fox & Friends First co-host Ainsley Earhardt‘s hump day was extra special. The sweet Southern belle was honored with a bridal shower by her Fox News family and friends, including fellow FNC femmes, Patti Ann Brown, Heather Childers, Maria Molina, Janice Dean, Heather Nauert, and Anna Kooiman (photo).

Seemingly, the die is now cast: Ainsley’s bridal shower has been thrown. And, yesterday, Janice signaled her hearty approval to her Twitter followers with Tweets about the festive affair. In one missive, she sent a photo of Ainsley and the FNC femme fatales, writing, “From beautiful @ainsleyearhardt bridal show this afternoon @FoxFriendsFirst In another, she sent a pic of a radiant solo Ainsley sipping an apparent mimosa, proclaiming, “Beautiful bride to be! @ainsleyearhardt.” This morning, an appreciative Ansley laconically replied, “Janice – thanks for the tweet.”

Apparently, Ainsley was a wee bit overly eager last week when she alluded to her “husband.” Perhaps, she already felt secure in his arms at her “Home Sweet Home.” Cheers, Ainsley!

Update: Subsequent to the posting of the author’s article, Janice Tweeted, “A Bridal Shower for our beautiful @ainsleyearhardt @FoxFriendsFirst (plenty of pictures!) In her post, Janice shares fabulous photos of Ainsley, six more Ailes Angels, and other FNC colleagues partying at Sarabeth’s restaurant in Manhattan. To boot, she reveals the name of Ainsley’s hubby-to-be–Will Proctor (former Clemson quarterback).

Carol Costello: I’m Just Whining on a “Friend”

September 10, 2012

CNN Newsroom anchor: “Strange ‘leg crossings’ on Fox’s early, early news.” No wonder FNC’s Fox & Friends First continues to bury its CNN counterpart Early Start in the ratings: Even CNN morning host Carol Costello is tuning in for Fox News’ early morning gamfest.

Today, author Andrew Kirell reported a very candid Carol Facebook post this morning. To whit, Carol comically declared, “Good morning! Each morning we are amazed at the excellent posture and strange ‘leg crossings’ on Fox’s early, early news. I have tried to get my legs to do that…but, it hurts. What can I say, it’s a slow Monday!”*

Slow or no(t), Carol’s comment  was illuminating. She clearly has her eyes on the early morning juggernaut that is demolishing CNN’s Early Start by more than 2 to 1 in the demo and 3 to 1 in total viewers. And, she herself has tried to emulate the Fox News foxes–without success.

At least, Carol has tried. Perhaps, Early Start co-host Zoraida Sambolin will follow suit. CNN desperately needs a sexy new start to boost its early morning ratings, especially, now that its erstwhile AMray of lightKiran Chetry no longer ushers in the dawn.

[Author’s aside: Title, supra, play on the Rolling Stones’ “Waiting on a Friend.”]

*The Fox & Friends First co-hosts Monday were Patti Ann Browne and Heather Childers.

Bill Hemmer: RE’s “Notorious PAB”

August 7, 2012

Patti Ann Browne: “Yeah, you know me.”* But, many of America’s Newsroom viewers probably do not know her, i.e., that their demurely dressed guest co-anchor has deigned to moonlight with the demimonde as an FNC late night vixen. To wit, Red Eye host Greg Gutfeld aptly marveled, “She’s so sweet: And, yet, she’s so dirty! The duality of woman!”**

For those who might think that Patti Ann appears to have been plucked from their local PTA, they may well want to remember the Harper Valley version. Only, this prim and proper mommy by day got her groove on after midnight. As her Red Eye appearances show, she can be tough, bawdy, and, oh, so sexy!

Bravo, Bill, for reminding PAB devotees that their dame is “not that innocent.”

[Author’s aside: The title is taken from the exchange between Bill and PAB as the second hour of AN began. Bill queried, “What did they call you, “Notorious PAB” on Red Eye? PAB answered, “They do! Yeah, you know me.”]

*America’s Newsroom – 08/07/12 (@ 9:59 a.m. ET)

**Red Eye – 12/31/08 (Vid – 2:14/2:22)

Fox & Friends First: “The Four” Now?

July 14, 2012

Patti Ann Brown, Ainsley Earhardt, Heather Childers, and Heather Nauert. Possibly, following in the footsteps of The Five, Fox & Friends First may be whittling down its number of initial hosts. As readers may recall, FNC announced the debut of The Five and listed ten rotating co-anchors including the current seven and Monica Crowley, Geraldo Rivera, and Judge Andrew Napolitano: When the Five celebrated its first anniversary last Monday on Fox & Friends, F&F co-anchor Gretchen Carlson noted that its roster had been pared down to seven (the “Magnificent Seven”), i.e., Greg Gutfeld, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Bob Beckel, Andrea Tantaros, Dana Perino, Juan Williams, and Eric Bolling.

In a similar fashion, Fox & Friends First started its new run in March with a slate of co-hosts that included not only the four that seem to be now predominating F&FF airplay qua anchors, i.e., Patti Ann Brown, Ainsley Earhardt, Heather Childers, and Heather Nauert but also Dave Briggs, Juliet Huddy, Julie Banderas, Anna Kooiman, Clayton Morris, Arthel Neville, and Jamie Colby. Even though the author has heard no new F&FF announcement, it’s website may provide a hint: only Patti Ann, Ainsley, and the two Heathers have their FNC bios listed on the official F&FF website.

F&FF: Maria Molina M.I.A. [Updated]

July 13, 2012

One less fox on Fox? Fox & Friends First meteorologist Maria Molina has been missing from her FNC early morning show for the last two days without any explanation from F&FF. Yesterday, her “First Degree” forecasts were omitted yesterday entirely. Today, they were replaced Spartanly with “Extreme Weather Center” graphics and maps without so much as a voice-over to accompany them.* Bizarrely, F&FW co-hosts Ainsley Earhardt and Patti Ann Browne gave no reason for F&FF‘s changes yesterday or today: In fact, they both failed to even mention Maria’s name.

Stranger yet, Maria did give a weather report yesterday–on Twitter. She Tweeted, “Warm, sunny day in NYC… Made it out to the Central Park Zoo earlier today, seals staying cool in the water :)” But, F&FF‘s weather beauty offered her followers not a clue as to whether she was playing hooky or whether she had been expelled.

Maria: M.I.A.? Hopefully, she’s just A.W.O.L. for awhile. Regardless, her F&FF fans are ready for her to report for duty immediately.

F&FF – 07/13/12 (@ 5:10 a.m. ET and @ 5:39 a.m. ET, respectively)

Update: Mea culpa! CD reader Motownman was right: cf. comment #1, infra. The author had incorrectly inferred from watching F&FF that Maria was the official F&FF meteorologist and that Janice Dean, “The Weather Machine,” filled in for her. When the author inquired of Maria (with links to Janice & F&FF) whether that were the case, Janice kindly responded, “Hey Jakeho! Maria does Mon-Wed FFF, and I do Thurs/Fri. I’m off for a few days. Maria is back on Sat afternoon! :)” She sweetly added, ” I know it can be confusing! :) Thank you for caring tho! We both appreciate it!”

Fox & Friends First Returns

March 2, 2012

Starring Anna Kooiman and Ainsley Earhardt–Monday. Fox & Friends First returns to the FNC morning line-up Monday according to a Hollywood Reporter exclusive. Reportedly, F&FF will begin at 5:00 a.m. ET, an hour earlier than the regular weekday edition of Fox & Friends. Furthermore, it will feature a cast of rotating anchors including FNC beauties (Anna, Ainsley, Juliet Huddy, Patti Ann Browne, Arthel Neville, Heather Childers, Heather Nauert, and Jamie Colby) and F&F Weekend “beasts” (Dave Briggs and Clayton Morris).

On the first show Monday, Fox News newbie Anna Kooiman joins her more experienced colleague Ainsley Earhardt (a former F&F Weekend co-host). Announcing the news to her Twitter followers, Anna excitedly Tweeted a photo of the “Fox & Friends First Gang Prepping for Monday!” In a follow-up only a minute later, she implored, “Wake up with Ainsley and Anna Monday Morning at 5am for Fox & Friends First!!!” To make sure that her admirers would, the very fit fitness expert included a pic of her and Ainsley prettily posing together.

Tune in, F&FW viewers, blond vixens Anna and Ainz will be ready to rouse you from your slumber!

[Author’s aside: The original version of Fox & Friends First debuted in 2001 and ended in 2008 (when F&F weekday was expanded to three hours). It, too, had a rotating cast of anchors including lovelies (Alisyn Camerota, Kiran Chetry, Juliet Huddy, and Lauren Green) and less-than-lovelies (Judge Andrew Napolitano, Steve Doocy, and Brian Kilmeade). For a look back at the original F&FF, cf.  Aly (2007 promo) and Kiran and Brian (2004 footage).]

Update 1: Today (Sunday), as Anna and Ainsley promoted their upcoming show on F&F Weekend, Ainsley said that the two of them would be on together this Monday through Wednesday.* During their segment with F&FW co-hosts Dave, Clayton, and Alisyn, Dave declared that he and Clayton would be a part of the F&FF anchor rotation this month: Seeming to indicate that she would not be a near futureF&FFco-host, a smiling Aly simply nodded her head at his obvious omission of herself and subsequently wished the co-hosts good luck with their new show. Later, in a Tweet, Dave clarified that he would be co-hosting F&FF this Thursday and Friday.

*F&FW – 03/04/12 (@ 8:42 a.m. ET)

Update 2: For vid of Anna and Ainsley’s F&FF promo on F&FW, link here. (H/t J$P.)

Banderas: Half-Naked…Promiscuous Big Bird

October 31, 2011

Patti Ann Browne: We’d like to see photos, Julie! FNC correspondent Julie Banderas bawdily spiced up her America’s Newsroom Halloween report this morning. After her story on a study showing Americans spending approximately $7 billion this year and more adults using the holiday as an escape, she saucily commented, “Patti Ann…the survey did not cover why it is [that] this is the time of year women decide to go out half-naked.”*

As a smiling AM guest co-host PAB reddened and an animated AM co-anchor Bill Hemmer chortled in the background, Julie added, “I mean, you do realize…if you look at look at women’s costumes online–I was looking at Elmo’s costumes [for daughter Addison Melissa]–I’m dressing up as Big Bird. A promiscuous Big Bird costume is all I could find.”

“Really?” an instantly intrigued PAB asked. “I’m not kidding!” Julie answered. Chuckling, Patti Ann spicily replied, “I didn’t know there was such a thing. But, we’d like to see photos, Julie!” Nodding, a grinning Julie responded, “No, it’s scary. I will show you.”

As PAB beamed and Bill began to randily reply, “That’s the,”, a suddenly demure Julie put up her hands and unconvincingly insisted, “No, I’m covering up: I’m not going to be one of the promiscuous Big Birds.”

Chuckling, Bill responded, “Banderas, that’s the funniest thing you’ve ever said.” As a somewhat chagrined Julie giggled, Bill concluded, “Really! Well played. See you later.” Succinctly, a smiling Juliet concurred, “Yeah!”

Halloween on Sesame Street: Banderas–a better bird.

*America’s Newsroom – 10/31/11 (@ 10:37 a.m. ET)

Update: When a Twitter follower asked if Julie’s hubby Andrew Sansone would go as Mr. Snufolupogus since she had said that she was going as Big Bird and Addison as Elmo, Julie teased, “It’ll b [sic] a surprise. I’ll post pics later!”

Ailes’ Virgin Vixen?

May 10, 2010

Gerri Willis: CNN cloistered cutie to FBN femme fatale? Roger Ailes’ latest CNN snatch made her virgin appearance on Red Eye Saturday night. From the moment host Greg Gutfeld heralded her first appearance on RE, Gerri seemed timid, stiff, and stilted as she warily navigated RE‘s Kafkaesque labyrinth.

Further, the future Willis Report anchor inexplicably botched her chance to shine as to the big biz question of the day. When, during the RE “Halftime Report,” Andy Levy asked, “Gerri, what exactly happened with the stock market today?,” she, stating the obvious, replied, “It went down.”* As Andy motioned for more, Gerri simplistically answered, “It went down big time.” In response, Andy acerbically sniped, “Wow! I really want to demand Fox Business now.” Smiling abashedly, Gerri responded, “Oh, why am I here?” Subsequently, when Andy asked again, a flustered Gerri declared, “I was warned about this and I didn’t listen. I came anyway. And, now I am so mad at myself.”

At that moment, perhaps, Fox News and Fox Biz boss Roger Ailes had his own second thoughts about Gerri. When he announced her hiring, he stated, “Most of the CNN talent have been restrained from showing what they can do — we’re looking forward to providing Gerri with a platform at Fox Business to showcase her financial acumen and television expertise.” Maybe, Gerri is still finding her sea legs. Speaking of which, perhaps, next time Greg will give her the vaunted “leg chair” and Gerri can start to adapt  (a la Patti Ann Brown) to her new station on the U.S.S. Roger Ailes.

The transformation of this former Jon Klein girl-in-chains may take some time.

*Red Eye – 05/09/10 (12:32 a.m. ET).

[Editorial aside: As to Andy’s saying “today” when speaking of the stock market decline, apparently, he was referring to RE‘s production date (Friday) not its airing one (Sunday).”]

Aly Shines on AN: Keep Her on F&FW

September 25, 2009

“If you’re all alone, pick up the phone….Who you gonna call?” With Megyn Kelly, America’s Newroom co-host, gone and Bill Hemmer all alone, FNC’s SVP, Bill Shine, did indeed pick up the phone. And who did he call? Nope, not Ghostbusters–but Alisyn Camerota.

Shine’s morning go-to gal is definitely Alisyn Camerota. Whether she is captaining Fox & Friends Weekend, “filling in” on Fox & Friends weekday, or co-hosting an FNC morning show, Shine knows that Aly will come through for him. However, Shine should realize that the F&F franchise is the one most ready made for Aly.

Former FNC Executive VP of News Editorial John Moody stated, “[Fox & Friends is] an entertainment show that does some news.” Whereas he was waxing overly hyperbolic, F&F needs someone to both entertain and enlighten. Aly fits that bill superbly.

Ergo, if Shine needs Aly in a pinch, then, by all means, he should use her. However, he should not take her indefinitely from the morning show where she is at her very best. With his team depth, he should turn his eyes to potential starters like Juliet Huddy, Patti Ann Browne, or Ainsley Earhardt. Or, he could give lesser known talents like Domenica Davis, Lauren Sivan, or Dari Alexander a chance.

Hopefully, Aly’s appearance is apparitional and another’s will be aspirational.

PAB: The Beck Girl

August 31, 2009

Is a sexier side of Patti Ann Browne, Glenn Beck’s headline reader, being revealed for the FNC viewer? The summa cum laude NY Institute of Technology of NY alum has seemed to shed her modest, mousy mien and embraced a saucier, edgier aura–at least, at night on Red Eye. With her ribald commentary and more daring wardrobe, she, FNC, or both appear to be trying to raise her profile.

If so, it appears to be working. As she continues to develop a faithful Red Eye and Internet fan base, she is enjoying success with the Glenn Beck Show. In fact, it won the cable news key viewer demographic (25-54) last Wednesday and last Thursday (including the O’Reilly Factor even though it is not in prime time: Perhaps, she is helping spike those ratings somewhat.* As an aside, her most recent appearance on Red Eye was such a hit that host Greg Gutfeld gleefully replayed footage of her daring display of decolletage the very next night.

Today, Patti Ann filled in as co-host of America’s Newsroom for the gorgeous gravid Megyn Kelly. Perhaps, she is being groomed to take Megyn’s place during her maternity leave. Or, even longer on AN if Greta Van Susteren’s contract is not renewed.**



Megyn’s Odd Day Off

April 7, 2009

After returning yesterday to America’s Newsroom proud to be “pale and pasty” following a beach vacation purportedly with high protection suntan lotion, AN co-anchor Megyn Kelly oddly took the day off today. No explanation was given by co-host Bill Hemmer or substitute co-anchor Patti Ann Brown. However, Hemmer told guest host Patti Ann that he hoped Megyn would return tomorrow. So do her fans.

Adam’s Fall

February 18, 2009

After taking a high-tech lie detector test on the Live Desk, FNC correspondent Adam Housley may be in big trouble with his long-time girlfriend. At the close of his report on a new truth detector with a supposed accuracy of @95%, Adam welcomed questions to test him from co-hosts Patti Ann Brown and Trace Gallagher.

Patti Ann asked, “How many personal calls do you make on your work cell phone?” Falteringly, Adam responded, “I don’t make very many” and the machine registered, “False statement.”Adam said, “That wasn’t fair: You’re going to get me in trouble.

Then a more devious Trace queried, “I want to know when you are going to marry that girl you’ve been dating for like eleven years.” (A smiling, yet sympathetic Patti Ann turned to Trace and hit him on the arm with the back of her hand.) Abashedly, Adam asked, “Do I have to answer that one?” Trace retorted, “Just answer: say something. I think she’s watching.”

Reluctantly, Adam replied, “Hopefully, soon” and the lie detector flashed “False statement” again and then “Subject is not sure.” Patti Ann gasped, “Oh, no!” and Trace laughed, “So sorry!” A ruby-red, sheepish Adam declared, “Gallagher, I’m coming to live with you….You put me on the spot….You’re in big trouble with me.”

After that fall, Adam will be working by the “sweat of his brow” to make up with his Eve.

Gretch at Home

September 4, 2008

Gretchen Carlson was back at home in Minnesota as she co-hosted Fox & Friends in Minneapolis-St. Paul during the Republican National Convention. And it showed: The former Miss America seemed more confident and more at ease as she conversed with co-anchors Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. Buttressed by family and friends in the Twin Cities, Gretch appeared able to hold her own with the boys and guests without pretentiously pontificating or being overly defensive. Furthermore, she appeared more willing to share the limelight with Alisyn Camerota and Patti Ann Brown.

Gretch, to paraphase Sheryl Crow: A change, a change, it did you good.

Patti Ann Peeved?

August 26, 2008

Guest FNC news reader Patti Ann Brown seemed a bit peeved today at the treatment she has received from Fox & Friends co-hosts Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson lately. Yesterday the co-anchors acted as if they had no idea who was reading the headlines from New York, and Patti Ann sarcastically thanked them for their “personal” introduction. Today the brown-eyed beauty fared not too much better as the co-anchors seemed generally distant: perhaps, the F&F co-anchors did not want the audience to get attached anew to a news reader. (F&F has abolished that position as a permanent one but needs it temporarily while the F&F crew are on location at the Dem Convention in Denver.)

Before the last headlines news segment today, the F&F co-hosts gave Griff Jenkins the toss task and he embraced it heartily. Appreciatively, Patti Ann responded, “Hey, Griff! And, thanks, too, for showing them how it’s done. We [sic] really appreciate it. Sorry, guys!”

Give Patti Ann some love, guys!

Raspy Aly

June 13, 2008

Fox & Friends co-host Alisyn Camerota left her velvety voice in Seattle and returned with a sexy, raspy one. Yesterday Steve Doocy couldn’t resist saying that she should read the news on a 976 phone line: A flattered Aly said that she hoped that it sounded sexy. Today Brian Kilmeade noted that Judge Napolitano had the same malady and Aly teased that she had to quit making out with the Judge. Unlike her sub Patti Ann Brown, Aly’s no wallflower. She’s one spicy Italian dish.