Archive for June, 2015

Kilmeade: “I Never Came Home to a Parent!”

June 30, 2015

Brian: “Luckily, I stayed out of trouble!” On Fox & Friends this morning, co-host Brian Kilmeade revealed that he was a “latchkid” as a fatherless teen.

In a segment with Hollywood legend Arnold Schwarznegger, who was promoting his latest cine, Terminator Genisys; two upcoming sequels to Conan and Twins; and “The After School All-Stars” program to help kids with homework, music, arts, etc.), Brian embraced his latter efforts, especially, enthusiastically. Emotionally, he remarked, “For me personally, my mom had to work: My dad passed away when I was in ninth grade. I never came home to a parent.” Poignantly, he explicated, saying, “So, I led soccer…half the year: the other, it was unscripted. Concluding, Brian exclaimed, “Luckily, I stayed out of trouble!”

Brian, your F&F fans are glad you, did! Good work, Arnold. And, Kudos, Mrs. Kilmeade!

*Fox & Friends – 06/30/15 (@ 8:27 a.m. ET).

Ainsley: We’re Having a Baby

June 22, 2015

Earhardt: “I’m five months pregnant now.” Today, Fox & Friends First co-host Ainsley Earhardt announced that she is having a baby!

As F&FF concluded this morning, Ainsley’s co-anchor Heather Childers read emails from fans noting that Ainsley has been posting pics with her scripts covering her tummy and wondering if she were hiding something. Turning to Ainsley with a smile, Heather asked, “So, Ainsley, do you have something to tell us?”

Beaming, Ainsley proudly proclaimed, “I do!” Rubbing her belly with glee, Ainsley announced, “We’ve had an extra little man or a little girl on set with us for the past five months! We’re having a baby! My husband (Will Proctor) and I are having a baby.”

As producers showed a sonogram of Ainsley’s little one in the womb, Heather asked, “And, do you know if it’s a little girl or a little boy?” Pointing to the screen, Ainsley laughed, “In that picture, the sonogram, I said, ‘Look, honey!…Our little girl is praying. And, he said, “No, that’s a boy! Our boy is throwing the football.”

As Heather started to ask her whether she and her hubby were going to find out the gender of the baby, Ainsley replied, “No, we’re not going to find out. We’re gonna wait. It’s going to be a surprise!”

In response, Heather queried, “And, how far along are you?” Ainsley answered, “I’m five months pregnant.” Stroking her stomach, she continued, “And, what has been fun about this is now just the joy for my husband and for me but sharing this with my family and his family….What a joy to give them [Ainsley’s parents] this gift because it’s their first grandchild and my in-laws first grandchild.” Laughing, she added, ” I want a girl so I can have bows in her hair!”

Subsequently, Heather remarked, “You look beautiful! You are glowing like they always say.”

Indeed, Ainsley. Congratulations to you and Will!

Perino Goes Pe-loco?

June 18, 2015

Dana accuses her Five co-host Eric Bolling of shady ethics? In a made-for-TV moment yesterday, FNC Five co-host Dana Perino became unhinged as she attacked her co-host Eric Bolling over his defense of the latest entrant to the GOP presidential race, Donald Trump. The caustic exchange left Dana glowering into the camera and a non-too-amused Eric shaking his head at her.

Dana, W’s self-professed number one fan, may just have to recuse herself from the Five for the duration of the election if she is not too careful. The former White House press secretary of President George W. Bush, apparently, can not brook the thought of any unconventional Republican standing in the way of W’s little brother Jeb!‘s ascension to the throne. Approximately, two weeks ago, she was proclaiming that Jeb! basher Senator Rand Paul had “jumped the shark” and appeared gleeful to shiv this libertarian rival on the O’Reilly Factor: Today, she was happy to wield the mace to go at Eric and, by extension, Jeb!’s lastest critic, The Donald.

Actually, it was humorous in a schadenfreude fashion. In the “A block” yesterday [FNC vid], Dana seemed genuinely outraged that co-anchor Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric would take the flamboyant billionaire seriously, especially, as to his saying he would build a southern border wall and make Mexico pay it.

In her “A block” segment, Kimberly said that Trump was adopting the “Walmart/Kmart approach” by getting the U.S. to “charge everybody for everything” to “make a profit in America”: Chiming in, Eric endorsed The Donald’s take on getting tough on Mexico (among other countries) and said that he was making the other candidates think. In response, Dana was aghast: Haltingly, she sputtered, “I don’t know what to say.”

Derisively, Dana remarked, “I understand…[that]…it feels good to hear that a President of the United States is going to bring back all of our jobs from China and Japan [but] it is so divorced from reality. As Eric turned toward her, she seemingly took a shot at him, saying, “I think you got to take this more seriously: At least, I do! And, I, I’m surprised at some of the people who actually think that some of this would work, especially, given that their other positions are that, for example, executive actions are not something that we should have; we should not have an imperial Presidency.”

Subsequently, co-hosts Greg Gutfeld and Juan Williams gave their takes, respectively, reducing Trump to an exemplar of hubris and showmanship. When Eric came to Trump’s defense, Juan rejoined, “If you’re a serious Republican, do you think that you are helped with him by having him on the same stage with you?” Eric exclaimed, “Yes! No, no: I don’t think you’re helped personally but I think the America people are helped because now they have to address some of the things that Donald Trump addresses that these guys [other candidates] don’t want to talk about.”

Jumping in, Dana scornfully asked, “[D]o you actually think that…the moderator [in a GOP debate] should say, ‘Mr. Rubio, Trump says that he is going to bring back all of the jobs from China: How do you respond?’ And, like all of the candidates are supposed to respond to that!” Then she snarked, “How actually is Donald Trump’s [sic] going to bring all of the jobs from China!”

Subsequently, turning to Eric, Dana acerbically queried, “How would you answer…’how you would bring all the jobs back from China?'” Eric replied, “First of all, I don’t that Donald ever said that he would bring back all of the jobs from China: But, he, he certainly would bring back some of the jobs from China.”

Outraged at Eric’s impertinence, Dana shouted, “He said it in his speech yesterday!” Accusatorily, she stuttered, “no, th, th, that, covering up for him is actually wrong! And, I understand that you have a deal that you’re trying to work on with him. I saw the Twitter last night! I just don’t see how that’s how any other journalist would be pandering.”

Incredulous, Eric replied, “I don’t know what you’re talking about!”

Pointing her finger at Eric, Dana riposted, “Well, you said that you’ve been trying to close the deal for years to be on Celebrity Apprentice!”

As Greg cackled in the background, Eric replied, “Oh, my god, Dana!…I have been friendly with Donald Trump for fifteen years!” Scowling, Dana answered, “You’re the one who was shouting it from the rooftop yesterday!” Agitated all the more, Eric asked, “Are you actually saying that you are going to accuse me of saying that Donald Trump has some good ideas that are resonating with America because I want to be on Celebrity Apprentice?  Please tell me that’s not the case!”

Glowering at Eric, Dana barked, “I am saying that!”

In reply, Eric snapped, “I will tell you unequivocally that is not the case! I can’t be on Celebrity Apprentice anyway: I’m a host at Fox News. I’m not allowed to!…Seven years ago, Donald Trump came to Fox and said, Hey! Can he be on it? And, the boss said, ‘no he can’t!'”

Defending Eric’s honor, Kimberly chimed in saying, “He did ask!”

Still enraged at Dana’s slight, Eric exclaimed, “By the way, by the way, Dana, Dana, Dana, I have way more ethics…than to use this platform which I love!” When Kimberly tried to wrap her segment to end the acrimony, Eric sharply answered, “Stop!” Finishing his point, he said, “I love dearly this Five: I do! I was here from day one, and I hope to be day last!”

Caustically, Dana interrupted, “Oh, guess what! So was I!”

Ending the segment, Kimberly exclaimed, “I’ve had enough! Go to your rooms!”

Clearly ticked, Eric uttered, “Wow!”

As the final shot ended, an angry Dana glowered anew and a miffed Eric shook his head.

Calling into question Eric’s ethics, Dana? Wow! President George W. Bush, this is not your dad’s “kinder and gentler” FNC.

[Author’s aside: After the Five yesterday, Trump Tweeted, “Dear @kimguilfoyle, Thank you so much for your nice words today on @TheFive. Will not be forgotten!” The author has a feeling that Dana’s words may not be forgotten either.]

The Concha Republic: The Daily Wrap

June 13, 2015

“The good, the bad, and the ugly”! FNC pundit and Mediaite columnist Joe Concha has a brand new show on NewsMaxTV and here’s the dope. The good? Joe and his co-host Forbes senior political contributor Rick Ungar put on a great show for political junkies discussing the issues of the day from the left and right. The bad? The show is not in HD: But, on the other hand, it is the mugs of Joe and Rick that their viewers are looking at! Re the ugly, imo, DW needs to demolish that horrid metal desk that creates distance from its viewers and replace it with a more welcoming glass one that embraces its audience; it should put up a realistic backdrop (i.e., one that does not indicate that it is dark in New York City at 6:00 p.m); end the tight shots; and add chyrons that identify the guests on the show.

DW is hopefully a work in progress. Joe is a very likeable chap who will, hopefully, make a go of it. He may need a bit more sartorial savvy: His producers should give the ole boy a well-fitting jacket like his cohort Rick.

Joe, good job! But, make it more friendly aesthetically. And, maybe, sex it up on occasion with some eye candy a la FNC!

[Author’s aside: A DW insider asked the author to give an honest review of the show, and the author believes that he has.]

Gotta Laugh: Dana Pe-RINO Whine-o?

June 4, 2015

“And the Good News Is”: Rand Paul “has jumped the shark.” No surprise, George W. Bush’s self-proclaimed “number one fan” Dana Pe-Rino (as her Five co-anchor Eric Bolling former dubbed her) used her segment on the O’Reilly Factor to bash maverick Rand Paul, the libertarian, anti-establishment Republican from Kentucky. Now that W. has become more popular that the President in the latest poll, Dana is, apparently, trying to whack his brother Jeb’s rival Rand Paul with an inane allusion to the moment that Happy Days became irrelevant when Fonzi jumped the shark literally–and figuratively.

Dana may love Jasper and W.: But, she seemingly surely hates Ron Paul’s boy.The cute tomboy, who replaced dullard Scott McClellan, but who could never emulate the suave and debonair Ari Fleischer seems to be on a charm offensive on the Five and wherever she shows up on Fox News. But, if she is not careful, she should may well have to disclose her appearances as indirect donations to the the latest Bush iteration for President.

Tonight, on O’Reilly, Dana said that Rand has “jumped the shark.” Maybe, she is guilty of transference: Perchance, it is her beloved Bushes who have “jumped the shark.” After all, Jeb’s momma, Barbara Bush herself, said that the country had had “enough Bushes” in the White House.

“And the Good News Is”: Dana is a Bushie who herself may have jumped the shark as to her credibility with the GOP base.

[Author’s aside: “And the Good News Is” is a reference to Dana’s new book.]