Archive for the ‘Kiran Chetry’ Category

AM’s Halloween Ghoul

October 31, 2008

Was there a ghoul gadding about on CNN’s American Morning today? As AM was ending an aerosol can seemed to magically disappear.  At 9:00 a.m. ET when AM’s “Election Day in America” countdown registered 4 (days) 08 (hrs.) 59 (59 min.) 14 (sec.), there was a clearly visible can to Kiran Chetry’s arm screen left. In apparently the next frame with a wider angle before a second had elapsed, the can was not. A Halloween ghost swiping Kiran’s hair spray? A David Copperfield cameraman cloaking it? Or scarier yet (and, hopefully, least likely) an American Morning time delay?

Kiran: CNN’s Callipygian

October 27, 2008

Yes, Kiran Chetry, too, sometimes has a plumber’s crack: AM co-host John Roberts is intrigued at the thought. Today’s American Morning parting shot featured a canine contest pic of a “Joe the Plumber” chihuahua in plumber’s garb with the apropos accoutrements: Kiran ad libbed, “It’s the new Joe the Plumber chihuahua…complete with a plumber’s crack.” She added, “All you plumbers out there, I’m sorry; I didn’t say that; [and] my pants do that sometimes, too.

Roberts smilingly turned to Kiran and rather randily queried, “Do your pants really do that from time to time? Kiran gamely responded, “Sometimes! You just gotta pull them back up again and move on.” Roberts replied, “Good to know.” Kiran merely giggled in response.

Beauty N Boots

October 24, 2008

The wait is over: American Morning co-host Kiran Chetry’s ended her boot tease today. About one month after promising an enraptured Rob Marciano to break out her boots, the Nepalese beauty strutted her stuff in black high-heeled knee-high boots accented by her black mini. As Trace Adkins would say, she’s “one hot mama!”

Boot Tease

CNN’s Rollins: MN Voters “Dead Indians”

October 23, 2008

Ironically, American Morning’s John Roberts and Kiran Chetry had politically incorrect lusty laughs after a segment entitled, “America Divided: Concern about GOP Tactic.” Beforehand, Roberts and Kiran had interviewed Ed Rollins, Ronald Reagan’s 1984 National Campaign Director and current CNN contributor, about questionable tactics by GOP candidates that seemed to draw a conservative America/liberal un-America divide and about the divisive Pennsylvania presidential race. At the close of the segment, Roberts jokingly asked Rollins, “How did you screw up on Minnesota?” (In 1984 Rollins helped Reagan win all the U.S. states except Minnesota.)

In answer to Roberts unexpected query, Rollins ad libbed, “They voted a lot of dead Indians along the border: 1620 votes. I’m not bitter.” Roberts and Kiran joined Rollins in a genial guffaw.

“America Divided”: Still Cowboys and “Indians” (Native Americans)?

AM Sickness, Kiran?

October 23, 2008

Coke and crackers? As Kiran Chetry greeted her American Morning audience, she had an open Coke instead of her usual lipstick-kissed Starbucks grande. Later in the hour, Kiran had Nabisco Premium crackers nearby instead of her preferred Mickey Dee’s Sausage McMuffin. Kiran, well known for her voracious appetite and her morning coffee “addiction,” indeed had a rather paltry repast today.

In a Carpe Diem entry entitled “Kiran’s AM Nausea” two weeks ago, this author previously noticed Kiran looking queasy: however, since Kiran had recently (April ’08) given birth to Chrisopher, any thoughts as to a pregnancy were somewhat dismissed. Since then Kiran has looked similarly sick in another AM show. Today, she broke out the “morning sickness” best foods. Maybe, my initial assessment was a mite premature.

Is another Knowles in the offing? Since Kiran’s oldest Maya and her second Christopher are only about two years apart, her having another a little over a year apart doesn’t seem out of the question. Kiran, an only child, may desire to have a fuller quiver for her hubby Chris. If she does deliver another Chetry Knowles, she will help make her world a better place.

Kiran’s AM Nausea–Food-guide-5269.htm

Pumpkin Peeking

October 21, 2008

American Morning co-host John Roberts couldn’t resist! After a Jeanne Moos segment on political pumpkin carving (and as Roberts and Kiran Chetry were closing the show), Kiran spread her arms wide open and asked, “What are we going to do after that?” Roberts responded, “I don’t know…but there’s nothing like a political pumpkin to get into the spirit of the season.” However, as he made his remark, he glanced quickly down at Kiran’s ample ones. Unknowingly, Kiran aptly replied, “How about it?” Nonchalantly, Roberts dutifully thanked the viewer for joining AM, wheeled around, and stole one last look.

Usually, the spirit of the season is trick or treat: Today it was trick AND treat.

Kiran Turns Up Heat

October 20, 2008

American Morning co-host Kiran Chetry turned up the heat today. Unfortunately, it wasn’t on air: it was at home. In fact, she told AM meteorologist Rob Marciano that her hubby Chris would probably wake up sweaty this morning.

For those whose minds may be wondering down a certain path, Kiran told AM meteorologist Rob Marciano that she turned on her heat in her house for the very first time this fall. Apparently, when she dressed, the chill was still very much in the air. On AM she wore an almost wintry navy jacket with a matching knee-length skirt and a warm persimmon blouse. To ensure that her ensemble was complete, she shod her feet in brown closed-toed high heels and painted her nails an autumn dark red.

Janelle, turn up the studio heat so that Kiran can do the same!

Kiran’s Plumber Cracks

October 18, 2008

American Morning co-host Kiran Chetry rode Joe the Plumber without mercy Friday. While her co-anchor John Roberts and CNN correspondent Christine Romans called him “America’s most famous plumber” and “the most famous name in politics” respectively, Kiran relentlessly ragged on Joe. Among her numerous swipes, Kiran ad libbed, “If you [Joe] really are a plumber” (during a “Recession Proof Jobs” segment with Christine Romans), “Joe, the almost plumber” (during a SNL segment promo), and “Joe the Not So Plumber” (during another SNL segment promo).

Kiran’s comments seemed dissonant with her usual kind and affirming remarks. Maybe, this harsh political season has finally prevailed upon the gracious, comely Kiran Chetry. Or, perhaps, untoward voices whispered nefarious utterances in her ear for her to echo. Whatever the case may be, let us hope that another day finds her renewed and unblemished by partisan politics.

AM Flies, F&F Falls

October 16, 2008

With vastly different results, American Morning and Fox & Friends aired live seventh-generation Flying Wallendes scion Nik Wallendes’ attempt yesterday to break the world record for highest netless bike ride. As the high-wire artist tantalized the crowd 235 feet above Newark with his traversal of the distance first on foot and then on bike, AM’s Kiran Chetry and John Roberts treated their viewers to vivid close-ups with colorful commentary: meanwhile, as F&F’s Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson prepared to hawk their live footage, the video began to break up and then completely fizzled before the distant daredevil could easily be espied and before Wallendes set the world record.

American Morning flew with their colors high as Fox & Friends fell unceremoniously to the ground.

Roberts Missing Missus?

October 16, 2008

Is American Morning co-host John Roberts missing someone special? As Roberts ended his presidential scoreboard segment at 6:15 a.m. ET today, the stentorian voice of AM rubbed his hands and then subconciously felt for his missing wedding ring as he approached the camera. When he seemed to realize what he had done, he turned around a bit abruptly and blinked.

Is Roberts still happily married? According to a MediaBistro article with a short interview dated August 25, 2008, Roberts is married with two children. However, this author has not seen him with his wedding ring on since September 2, just over a week later.

Of course, a missing wedding ring does not necessarily mark the end of wedded bliss but it might be an ominous portent. Hopefully, Roberts’ marriage is not on the rocks but rather secure in a safe harbor. For the scandalously inclined, his AM counterpart and recent mother anew Kiran Chetry has steadfastly worn hers.

Kiran Gets Earthy

October 14, 2008

After a week of dire economic news and commensurately drab distaff fashion, American Morning’s Kiran Chetry changed the tenor Monday. After the G7 financial gurus came together over the weekend to bolster the world finances and the markets seemed to positively respond, Kiran did her part to rally them further. The leggy Nepalese beauty brightened the Monday morn with her hot earthy brown pinstripe mini and flattering fuchsia wrap top. Yes: It was morning in America again!

AM: ACORN Manifest

October 12, 2008

After a virtual blackout Thursday, CNN’s American Morning pulled backed the curtain on its coverage of the ACORN voter registration controversy. Before the first commercial break of the final hour, AM’s co-host Kiran Chetry promo’d the upcoming segment on “more claims of voter registration fraud against a liberal activist group already under fire in several states.” When AM returned, AM co-anchor John Roberts introduced the story about more claims against ACORN in Indiana in addition to other states, e.g., Nevada. Roberts asked Special Investigations Unit correspondent Drew Griffin, “What’s ACORN being accused of exactly here, Drew?”

Not mincing words, Griffin responded, “Well, it’s not even accused–there, it’s fraud, John.” Griffin went on to elaborate that the heavily Democratic county in a heavily GOP state had found that approximately 50% of ACORN voter registrations were “bad.” Further, he revealed that ACORN had endorsed Barack Obama and that the Obama campaign had given ACORN $800,000 for its voter registration in the primary but was not working with it in the general election. Giving ACORN an opportunity to respond Griffin interviewed ACORN Senior Counselor of Project Vote Brian Mellor: Mellor stated that he believed that the allegations were attempts to suppress votes.

AM may have been caught sleeping Thursday but it awoke Friday with a hard-hitting segment on ACORN by Drew Griffin.

[Caveat: Due to technical difficulties, the author has not yet reviewed the first two hours and three minutes of AM’s Friday program.]

AM: ACORNless Morning

October 9, 2008

The contrast of the treatment of the Nevada secretary of state’s raid on ACORN’s offices in Las Vegas by FNC’s Fox & Friends and CNN’s American Morning could not have been more stark. F&F led with the raid and had lengthy segments dedicated to it whereas AM merely mentioned it by name once in the headlines reading and another time in another headlines segment in a generic manner. F&F co-host Gretchen Carlson embraced the controversy as a personal crusade whereas AM co-anchor Kiran Chetry avoided it like the plague.

Why the difference? It may be in no small part because of Barack Obama’s connections (tangential or more intricate, depending on whom you believe) to ACORN. As the election draws nigh, the leanings of the two major cable news networks seem to become more and more manifest.

[ACORN, Association of Community for Reform Now is an organization that emphasizes the voter registration of economically challenged persons. According to Nevada Secretary of State Ross Miller the raid was a result of a month-long investigation that indicated that ACORN may have submitted fraudulent registration forms.]

Kiran’s AM Nausea

October 8, 2008

American Morning co-host Kiran Chetry had an apparent bout of nausea today. During a young voter presidential debate perspective segment with Obama backer Alexandra Acker and McCain supporter Jason Mattera, Kiran held her stomach and gulped as if trying to keep her vittles in check. Morning sickness? It would seem a bit early after the April birth of her son Christopher Chetry. Perhaps, she was reacting to the pundits’ logorrhea. Or was she recalling yesterday’s brown pantsuit meant for Kyra Phillips that she had mistakenly put on? Regardless, she recovered nicely and continued in fine form.

“What’s Your Problem With Gretchen? Seriously”

September 29, 2008

Carpe Diem reader Boogiewoogee took issue sharply with the author as to this blog’s treatment of Gretchen Carlson in the comments to “Debate Team.” He/she wrote, “What’s your problem with Gretchen. Seriously.” (Cf. for his/her full comment.)

Gretchen is an attractive, intelligent, and capable woman. The current Fox & Friends co-host was apparently engaging enough as co-anchor of the CBS Saturday Early Show for FNC to choose her to replace E.D. Hill. Gretchen seems to be making a sincere effort to fit in with the Fox & Friends fold.

However, in this author’s view, Gretchen has yet to irradicate herself fully from the mindset of CBS and the rest of the dinosaur news media. The former anchor of the “CBS Saturday Early Show” seems to still be adjusting to FNC’s less scripted, less self-absorbed, and less reverential approach to the news. This former Miss America appears uncomfortable in engaging in unfettered give-and-take with her co-hosts Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and guests. Moreover, she seems to be a bit slow on the uptake and to need to be assured constantly in her views.

Let’s hope that Gretchen can fully make the transition. In the meantime and beyond, the F&F suits could bring in some eye candy as headline news reader to ease the process. If not, the viewer will always have Alisyn Camerota as occasional fill-in host unless the savvy F&F suits lose her a la Kiran Chetry.

Boot Tease

September 26, 2008

American Morning co-host Kiran Chetry gave CNN weatherman Rob Marciano, and by extension, her male viewers a bit of a boot tease this week. With the cooling temperatures of an approaching Autumn, last Friday Rob asked Kiran if she were wearing a turtleneck sweater again. (An Atlanta-based Rob had said that he had not had a chance to see what she was wearing.) After describing what she had on, the Nepalese beauty teased, “No…but I told you next week we break out the boots.” Captivated, Rob pleaded, “Lots of full length shots, please.” An almost blushing Kiran laughed, “Already, Rob: thanks.”

Apparently, Kiran couldn’t find her boots this week. Chris, did you hide them?

Kiran in the Middle

September 24, 2008

Living up to her Nepalese name, American Morning co-host Kiran Chetry shone brightly yesterday as she refereed a contentious debate between conservative Michael Reagan and liberal Roland Martin. As soon as McCain supporter Reagan answered Kiran’s first question, the verbal fisticuffs began. Obama backer Martin characterized Reagan’s response as “pretty cute of you” and continued in a patronizing manner as if he spoke ex CNN’s cathedra. A visibly peeved Reagan told Martin to quit playing “that crappy game” on him and to “don’t talk down” to him. Even though it appeared to the author that Martin expected Kiran to side with him, Kiran refused and played it down the middle during the spirited exchange. At the end of the segment, Kiran thanked them for the “vigorous debate” and said it was great to see them both.

CNN’s “Leg” Up

September 16, 2008

Thanks, ICN, for your “heads up” on CNN’s “leg” up on FNC on DirecTV. According to Swanni of, CNN took the lead in programming in HD while FNC “dragged its feet on the HD launch.” He added that FNC has now lost its favored status at a HD-capacity-starved DirecTV once FNC’s parent company, News Corp., ceded control of DirecTV to John Malone’s Liberty Media.

Since appreciation of distaff aesthetics has often led the way in technological progress in the visual media, it seems strange that Fox News is lagging so far behind CNN HD. Ironically, Rupert Murdoch’s cable news network, known for its unabashed celebration of the feminine form, e.g., in its selection of co-hosts, subject matter, and attitude, is following far behind in the footsteps of Ted Turner’s erstwhile jewel CNN, associated far too long with a stodgier, passe p.c. presentation of the news a la the dying dinosaur Big Three news networks. In CNN’s defense, it is slowly making progress in this regard, e.g., with its snare of Kiran Chetry as AM co-anchor, its choice of Janelle Rodriguez as AM executive producer, and its welcome embrace of a less sterile atmosphere.

Thus far, FNC has generally enjoyed a comfortable lead in the cable news race. However, how does it compare to CNN HD on DirecTV?



AM: A Minor “Slip”

September 16, 2008

Kiran Chetry (or her cameraman) had a serendipitous minor “slip” today. After a commercial break, a standing Kiran introduced a “Dream Job” segment in which Dr. Sanjay Gupta interviewed a NASA sleep test subject who had to stay in bed for weeks. For a brief moment the cameraman captured her in her gold-trimmed ebony slippers (or flats): apparently, either Kiran forgot to change them for her brownish high heels or the cameraman unthinkingly included Kiran’s shoes in the shot. After Sanjay’s story, a newly high-heeled Kiran returned. Serendipitous? Yes. Slippers before the sleep segment and high heels afterwards.

By the way, Kiran is moving up in her off-camera footwear. As the reader may remember, the camera “caught” a gravid Kiran sporting pavonine sneakers under her desk. After the close-up, an “abashed” Kiran (or EP Janelle Rodriguez) must have decided a less caz look was more AM-appropriate.

Lehman Monday: A “Gay” American Morning

September 15, 2008

At 8:02 ET two pranksters tried to sabotage a live American Morning segment on the collapse of Lehman Brothers. As AM’s Allan Chernoff reported in front of the historic investment bank, two embracing wanton wags with tongues aflicking began a faux make-out session. The unblinking reporter glanced at the men behind him twice and without a word of recognition stoically continued his story while the camera person panned away for the duration of the story. After Allan tossed back to Kiran Chetry, she charitably commented, “Allan didn’t notice this probably but, of course, our television viewers did: two guys, just obviously trying to make light of a bad situation, pretending to console each other out there.”