Posts Tagged ‘Geraldo River’

Aly’s F&F: “The Hardness Factor”

February 20, 2011

Camerota:  “Tempest in a ‘C’ Cup.” Before hitting the snowy slopes this weekend, Fox & Friends‘ alluring Alisyn Camerota heated up the F&F “lodge” Friday. To wit, she started the fires with her racy analysis of the Sarah Palin/Michelle Obama breastfeeding brouhaha, stoked them with her “Hardness Factor” promo, and later brought them to a roar with her handling of the fertility segment itself.

When F&F ran the Sarah Palin/Michele Obama story (in which Palin jauntily jested that new moms should follow the First lady’s advice to breastfeed their babies “because the price of milk is so high,” Aly asserted, I’m confused by this debate.”* Elaborating, she declared, “Everybody basically agrees that breastfeeding is best: So…they’re not in dispute. It’s good economically [and] it’s good nutritionally….I think that Michelle Obama is just…trying to cut down on obesity….First Ladies have often had advocacy of certain issues.” Defusing the partisan issue with her sexy spark, a smiling, suggestive Aly saucily concluded, This is a tempest in a teapot. Or, a teacup. Or, a ‘C’ cup.”

Subsequently, matters turned more sensual in the final hour as Aly’s co-anchor Steve Doocy teased the “Hardness Factor” segment. As Geraldo Rivera waited in the wings to promote his show, Steve ribaldly remarked that F&F was going to tell viewers how to have a baby on 11/11/11.** Amused, Aly animatedly clapped her hands and saucily tittered, “Not only that, Brian and I are going to eat libido-enhancing foods: Steve, you may want to wear some protective gear after that. That’s all I’m saying.”

As Steve cringed in mock disgust at Aly’s fresh comment, co-host Brian Kilmeade laughed heartily, declaring, “And, Geraldo is here weighing in on everything: there’s not a topic that he can’t handle. Meanwhile, the priapic anchor of his eponymous show Geraldo at Large appeared on split screen with the co-host trio, salaciously interjecting, “My head’s going to blow.” As a smiling Aly raised her eyebrows and a reddening Steve laughed heartily, a waggish Brian exclaimed, “So to speak!”

Later, Aly turned up the heat even more in her sexy food segment with Brian. Before she did so, Brian introduced Dr. Steven Lamm, author of “How to Achieve Your Best Health and Sexual Fitness at Any Age: “The Hardness Factor” and asked him to give a “clinical look at something people like to giggle about.”*** Complying with alacrity, Lamm asked what food should not be eaten before lovemaking. When an off-camera Steve interjected, “Garlic,” Aly correctly countered, “No…Oh, no! I know the answer. It’s this one [cheeseburger and “raw meat”].”

Subsequently, Aly showed that her apt answer was no fluke as Lamm went through his list of fertility foods by property (anatomic, aromatic, and chemical). As he began to explain, saying, “When you look at foods, they are either going to look phallic,” a lusty Aly arched her eyebrows, smiled suggestively, and nodded assuredly. Then, when Lamm explained that other aphrodisiacs emitted an aroma, a light-hearted Aly identified basil as one that Italian men loved. Subsequently, when Lamm elaborated that hot peppers, chocolate, and honey chemically charged the body for love, a naughty Aly dipped her index finger into the honey (at Lamm’s invitation), put it between her lips, and then sensually suckled it.

Seemingly, Aly was too hot for F&F‘s producers. As she stuck her finger into her mouth, the camera lingered for a few safe seconds on the honey jar. Not until she began to suck her finger clean, did it pan up to her face, and then–at a discreet distance.

Nevertheless, apparently, Aly felt just right. As she concluded the “Hardness Factor” with Lamm, she randily remarked, “Thank you. We’re feeling more fertile already. Thanks, doctor.”

Aly: F&F’s real Doctor Feelgood?

*Fox & Friends – 02/18/11 – @ 7:09 a.m. ET

**Fox & Friends – 02/18/11 – @ 8:01 a.m. ET

***Fox & Friends – 02/18/11 – @ 8:23 a.m. ET

Kilmeade Disparages Hispanics?

September 3, 2009

On the same day that Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade praised Geraldo Rivera’s The Great Progression: How Hispanics Will Lead America to a New Era of Prosperity, he seemed to disparage Hispanic emergency room patients generally as  “people seemingly without citizenship.” Before lauding Geraldo’s book, Kilmeade presided over a segment entitled, “Health Care Overhaul: Coverage for Illegals–Will Undocumented Benefit Under Reform?” During his interview of Phil Kent of Americans for Immigration Control, footage of people illegally entering the U.S. from Mexico ran and the effect of “cracking down on illegals” on Hispanic voters was discussed.

Toward the conclusion of the colloquy, Kilmeade lamented the fact that “people with citizenship, with insurance, wait while illegals get treated and that’s happening now and will happen under any revamp.” As he ended the segment, he said, “It’s just amazing! I know two or three personal stories of people just going to the emergency room (one broken finger, one twisted knee) and then just leaving because they can’t get waited on because of the long line of people seemingly without citizenship who are there that have to be treated ahead of them. And, they are the ones who are actually paying.” [Italics added for emphasis.]

Ironically, approximately two hours later on the show after an interview with Geraldo, Brian extolled Geraldo’s book as “excellent.” Immediately prior thereto, Geraldo had said that the motif of his book was how Republicans had turned off Hipanics, who naturally would have been Republicans, by “emphasizing the worst aspects of the immigration debate. In making his point, Geraldo explained how George W. Bush had proved to be the exception in his success with Latinos in the 2004 presidential campaign (winning 44% of their vote): He declared, “Because he [Bush] was a former border-state governor, he understood that you have to talk nice about people. You don’t disparage them with slanderous generalizations and stereotypes.”

Geraldo’s lesson learned? Hopefully, so.