Missing Megyn

Where is America’s Newsroom statuesque towhead, Megyn Kelly? Believe it or not: according to her co-host Bill Hemmer, she has jury duty and was picked. The opposing attorneys must be rather convinced of the strength of their cases: if not, could any counsel in his right mind want her as a foreperson? At least, in the jury box her fellow attorneys and the judge shouldn’t be distracted by her sexy stems. Of course, her male peers may delay justice with a protracted trial.

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5 Responses to “Missing Megyn”

  1. Al Says:

    Quite unusual for someone with a Juris Doctorate to be chosen to sit on a jury, and likewise unusual for a nationally known television journalist. I must confess that I’d have a hard time turning that woman away…

  2. Boogiewoogee Says:

    Not at all unusual for a lawyer to be picked, and far more famous people get chosen here all the time.

    The last time one of us was called in for jury duty, I really thought I was going to get picked because of the number of attorneys who were in the same panel to be questioned that I was. I guess I was smart enough to not get picked, but 2 of the attorneys seated with me and questioned by the attorneys and the judge were. Of course they didn’t have any recent criminal trial experience, which would have been a disqualifier.

  3. Al Says:

    Megyn Kelly is not the least bit intimidated by Bill O’Reilly. He sliced at her with that trademark Irish sarcasm tonight and she parried smoothly. Obviously I don’t know what goes on in his head, but it seems that he knows she can take it and so goes at her a little more forcefully than he does some of his other colleagues. Makes for an informative and entertaining segment.

  4. jakeho Says:

    Megyn Kelly does indeed take it to O’Reilly. Of course, Laura Ingraham and Michelle Malkin take no flack from him either.

  5. Al Says:

    Agreed about Ms. Ingraham and Ms. Malkin, but Ms. Kelly counters O’Reilly with journalistic facts and, whenever she does toss in an opinionated remark, she clearly labels it as such. This is also why Megyn Kelly seems to routinely trounce Lis Wiehl during their weekly ‘Is It legal?” battles.

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